US pullout depends on Turkey not attacking Kurds

America has confirmed that its withdrawal depends on Turkey not attacking the Kurds in Syria after Turkey practiced ethnic cleansing against the Kurds in Afrin.

US pullout depends on Turkey not attacking Kurds
7 January 2019   06:56


On Monday morning, the Arab press touched upon America confirmation that its withdrawal depends on not attacking the Kurds in Syria by Turkey, in addition to dealing with the Iraqi situation and the US presence there.

Al-Hayat: Syria's return to the Arab League "is still early" and five Arab leaders confirmed their attendance at the economic summit

On the Syrian issue, al-Hayat newspaper referred to Syria's return to the Arab League and said that "the official Lebanese source considered that" the debate in Beirut whether to invite Syria or not to the socio-economic development summit in Beirut is not presented except only through the Lebanese media and on the lips of some politicians loyal to the Syrian leadership, because it is possible only by a decision of the Arab League, which has not yet taken a decision, to lift the suspension of Syrian membership."

The newspaper added that "the Arab League at the level of delegates met on Sunday amid reports that the possibility of discussing the return of Damascus to the Arab League and al-Hayat has informed from Arab diplomatic sources that the search to return Syria to the Arab League, information reported the decision it scheduled to be discussed on Sunday’s meeting but was postponed,"because the time has not come to achieve this, and is still early to take a decision of this kind things are not as simple as some imagine."

Middle East: Bolton linked the withdrawal as “Daesh” defeated to safety of the Kurds

The US Middle East envoy, John Bolton, said on Sunday that conditions must be met, including assurances on the safety of Kurdish allies, before the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. Bolton, on his arrival in Tel- Aviv, assured that his country will not withdraw its forces from Syria until the defeat of IS organization is fully defeated and the protection of the Kurdish allies."

Al-Arab: Washington's withdrawal from Syria is tied not to attack Ankara to the Kurds

In the same context, Al-Arab newspaper said: "The United States required withdrawal from Syria to ensure that its Kurdish allies are not attacked by Turkey, which has long threatened to invade Manbij and east of the Euphrates.

The Kurds are an important ally of the United States in Syria, where they have played a prominent role in helping the Washington-led International Coalition to defeat IS organization in large areas of north Syria. The organization has only existed in some sporadic enclaves in the eastern countryside of Deir-ez-Zor.

The US national security adviser, John Bolton, said on Sunday that the withdrawal of his troops from Syria is not linked to a specific timetable, and is conditional on a number of factors, the most important of which is to ensure that the Kurds are not subjected to Turkish attack.

Bolton, on a four-day tour of Israel, said he would urge Turkish officials-including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - to ensure the safety of the Kurds.

He said President Trump's position was that Turkey should not kill the Kurds and that the US withdrawal would not happen without such agreement.

After falling into the hands of Turkey and its pro-Syrian factions, Afrin was exposed to systematic cleansing of the Kurdish element over the city, reflecting the fact that Ankara's mentality is that every Kurd poses a serious threat that must be eradicated.

Baghdad: new negotiations between Talabani and Barzani to form a government of Kurdistan

On the Iraqi issue, Al-Hayat newspaper said, "the two Kurdish parties, Kurdistan Patriotic Union and Kurdistan Democratic Party, will hold a meeting of their leaders to discuss the formation of the new government.

The newspaper quoted informed sources that “an expanded meeting will be held by leaders of the two parties in the city of Sulaymaniyah to discuss the formation of the government in accordance with new controls agreed by the two sides to ensure not to exceed all rights of the other or being provoked in order to move the street against the other party.
