Ad-Darbasiyah Youth: Division is Turkey's goal, we will not allow it

"The aim of Turkey is to divide Syria and they will not accept this. They said," Their goal is division and we will not allow them. "He pointed out that the Turkish occupation aims to create strife and steal the wealth of the peoples as it did in Afrin.

Ad-Darbasiyah Youth: Division is Turkey's goal, we will not allow it
7 January 2019   06:38


The reactions that denounce the Turkish aggression on the north and east regions of Syria internationally, and from all components and strata of North Syria continue. In this context, Hawar news agency surveyed the views of a number of young people from Ad-Darbasiyah district of al-Hasakah canton North Syria, who asserted that they had the option of resistance and struggle against any aggression on their land.

The young man Bilal Hasan said "We live in security and stability in our city, which is watered with the blood of our martyrs, we, as the youth of Ad-Darbasiyah district reject the Turkish threats, and reject any external interference, we will struggle to liberate our areas and prevent the entry of terrorism again.” 

The young man Dani Muhammad said "We will fight any external interference in our areas, and we will fight alongside our military forces to prevent their entry into our territory, our fighters" YPG, YPJ, SDF" have a great role in fighting ISIS, with them, we will defeat the Turkish occupation. "

Muhammad noted "As a youth they will not accept the division of Syria and will prevent the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries inside Syria from doing so," he said. "Their goal is division and we will not allow them."

"Erdogan, through his threats, aims to create strife and corruption among the components of the region, committing massacres against them and stealing the region's wealth, as he is doing now in Afrin," he said.