Reconstruction Committee continues its work in al-Raqqa

The Reconstruction Committee of al-Raqqa Civil Council has prioritize the restoration of electricity, repairing roads and completing the removal of rubble in its 2019 agenda.

Reconstruction Committee continues its work in al-Raqqa
7 January 2019   05:58


The Reconstruction Committee of al-Raqqa Civil Council is still continuing to remove rubble from the streets and neighborhoods, and to use them to repair broken bridges and roads damaged by the war against IS mercenaries.

The committee also works to provide basic services to the people, such as the restoration of electricity, which is one of the priorities of the work of the committee during the current year.

The head of the Reconstruction Committee in al-Raqqa Civil Council Abdel al-Arian stressed that the committee continues its work in full swing since the liberation of al-Raqqa city said "We are working to remove the rubble from the city and use it to repair the roads and bridges destroyed by the war, so far one million tons of rubble has been removed from the neighborhoods of the city of al-Raqqa in the first phase and now we have begun the second phase by removing the rubble of houses."

The committee also worked according to al-Arian to repair the roads and the entrances to the countryside near the city, which were affected by the rains in the city of al-Raqqa in the past few days.

Al-Arian also pointed out that work is underway to restore electricity to the city and the countryside, and stressed that al-Mashlab area and Sief al-Dawla will be lit during the current year.

Sub-committees are working in full swing

The reconstruction team is followed by an initial response team of 4 teams: the dive team, the exhumation team, the ambulance team and the firefighting team.

The initial response team began work on 9 January last year and was divided into several teams and each team carried out its tasks.

The exhumation team of the most active, so that 3,330 bodies were exhumed from different parts of the city.

The team has so far found seven mass graves in different parts of the city and is exhuming the bodies from the cemetery in the Panorama area and is expected to be completed over the weekend.

The team is due to begin work on the exhumation of the bodies from al-Fajhekha area, which includes around 1,000 bodies, among them two foreign journalists killed by IS.
