'Our goal is to devote women’s role in development of the party'

Khalida Abdo pointed out that their goal is to reach out to all women to dedicate their efforts to the development of Future Syria Party and to seek to solve its problems during a meeting held in Martyr Vajin commune in Sheikh Maksoud district of Aleppo.

'Our goal is to devote women’s role in development of the party'
1 November 2018   15:03


In a series of meetings organized by the Women's Organization Bureau of the Future Syria Party, a definition of the party and its objectives was organized today in the Sheikh Maksoud neighborhood attended by dozens of women in the neighborhood.

Administrator of the Future Syria Party’s Aleppo Branch Khalida Abdu started the meeting with a speech in which she mentioned the status of women in the party.

"The Future Syria Party is a Syrian party that is far from sectarianism and racism, and its pluralism and democracy. Women play a big role in our party," she said.

On the organization of women's organization in Future Syria Party, Khalideh said that his goal is to communicate with all women "to devote their efforts in developing the party, and seek to solve its problems, and the training of women in the party is the nucleus to achieve steps at all levels," noting that the party takes duty to protect children's rights and to stand against child labor and deprivation of their right to education.

Khalida pointed out that the party's goal of drafting a Syrian constitution "is to guarantee the rights of all components in Syria," adding, "the party has in a short time established a good public base and now has 9 offices in all cities of north and east of Syria."

At the end of the meeting, the administrator of the Future Syria Party, Khalida Abdo, denounced the crimes committed against women under the pretext of honor. She noted that as women in the Women's Organization office of the Future Syria Party, they will continue their march in the defense of women's rights.