Turkey is attacking northeastern Syria... What are the dirty hands supporting it?

Turkey and Russia, Turkey and Iran will continue to play dirty games in Syria after launching Turkey's hand in Jarablus, Bab, Azaz, Afrin and Idlib, Turkey is raising its threatening tone towards the areas of northeastern Syria liberated by Syrian Democratic Forces.

Turkey is attacking northeastern Syria... What are the dirty hands supporting it?
1 November 2018   15:51


These threats were translated into direct aggression carried out by Turkey in the past two days on border villages in Kobani and Tal Abyad, which came one day after the four-way summit in Istanbul, Turkey, attended by leaders of Germany, Russia, France and Turkey.

In retrospect, Russia is directly behind Turkish attacks and plays a role that is no less sinister than the role it played in the Turkish aggression on Afrin and its occupation on 18 March.

While Idlib was on the brink of a fierce war that Russia and Iran were preparing for, the Russian desire was met by Turkish efforts to protect mercenaries in Idlib and European fears of a new wave of refugees that could flow into Turkey and from there to EU countries.

In addition, there is clear American opposition to the Russian attack on Idlib, although the United States had previously refused to intervene in the areas west of the Euphrates when the issue concerned Afrin. The United States seemed to realize that a deal between Turkey and Russia in Idlib- apart from other interests of the US- will make the two countries throw all their weight to destabilize the areas liberated by Syrian Democratic Forces east of the Euphrates River.

Indeed, what the Americans had expected was the departure of the Erdogan-Putin deal on September 17 on Idlib. The Russian statements about East Euphrates included a warning to the United States to "establish an East Euphrates State" and claim that the real danger lies in eastern Euphrates, Idlib.

The Russian statements were in parallel with Turkey's threats to strike the areas of eastern Euphrates, and Russia and Turkey forgot that the victory front, classified on the terrorist lists controlled about 70% of the province of Idlib and headed towards the east of the Euphrates.

After two days of Turkish attacks, a striking statement from the Russian Defense Ministry was made: "The security situation is deteriorating in the areas of control of US forces in Syria."

The ministry also claims that "the terrorists and the militants of the Syrian Democratic Forces are active there to suppress the Arab population."

These Russian allegations at this particular time can only serve Turkey's expansionist agendas in Syria and can only be explained by Russia's complicity with Turkey in the attack and the attempt to pour oil into the fire that Russia wants to increase its ferocity.

Russia wants through these attacks to benefit from the blind hostility of the Turkish state towards the Kurds and hit the democratic nation's project in northeastern Syria and force the political and military forces in that region to fall into the hands of the regime.

In other words, Russia aims through Turkey's attacks to weaken northeastern Syria and extend regime control over those areas, in other words to re-clone a central system, which explains Damascus refusal to write a new constitution for Syria and insist on the restoration of the current constitution.

On the other hand, Turkey will offer concessions to Russia and can restore relations with the Syrian regime, not to mention the economic benefits that Russia derives from Turkey.

This, on the other hand, contributes to the fragile positions of the International Coalition to fight Daesh led by the United States, which spread several bases in the north-east of Syria, including in Kobani, which is under Turkish aggression, these positions contribute to the persistence of the Turkish state, which understood two years after America's policy to end the file Manbij and became more focused on the attack on other areas east of the Euphrates River and put the file of Manbij aside, temporarily.

The coming days will reveal the seriousness of the position of the international coalition, especially the United States, the continuation of the Turkish attack means a green light for Turkey to continue attacks, but the opposite would mean that the US pressure imposed on Turkey to stop its aggression, and will reveal cards, especially after the announcement of the Syrian Democratic forces to stop the campaign to defeat terrorism against Daesh temporarily, which may be prolonged if Turkey continues its aggression.