Turkish threats will not dissuade Manbij Military Council of fortifying their city

Deputy Leader-in-Chief of Manbij Military Council, Abu Ali Najm, said that they as military forces will do their best to secure the city and the Turkish threats will not deter them of fortifying Manbij city.

Turkish threats will not dissuade Manbij Military Council of fortifying their city
10 Decemberember 2018   03:46


Turkey is trying to bring back Manbij topic to the media, in recent days, a Turkish official has said that Turkey and the United States will conduct joint patrols and exercises in Manbij.

Turkey has previously conducted independent patrols within the territories controlled by South Jarablus and is still, that is, Turkey's position has not changed after the Turkish-American agreement.

Ali Najim said "The Justice and Development Party (AKP) has returned to threat Manbij city through statements and allegations, it argues of the fortification issue of Manbij city

Najim pointed out that the fortifications of Manbij city were previously present, "These fortifications exist before the overthrow of ISIS and was not a problem for Turkey, although ISIS mercenaries dug trenches and tunnels in Manbij, Jarablus, al-Bab, Azaz cities, and Turkey at that time did not talk about any threat on these issues.

Najim confirmed that as a military leader in Manbij city, he would not be deterred by any decision to fortify and secure Manbij city whatever the cost is, because the security of Manbij city is of the security of its people."

He pointed out that Manbij Military Council presented many martyrs, including leaders and symbols such as the martyr Abu Laila and martyr Abu Amjad and others, he continued: "We remain with the pledge of the martyrs, they offered sacrifices in order to let others live, and we will sacrifice for the people to live."

He added: "When we launched on Manbij liberation campaign, we pledged to the people of our city to rid them of ISIS, and fulfilled our promise and we are now continuing on pledge to protect our city and our people from any external aggression."

The deputy leader-in-chief of Manbij Military Council Abu Ali Najm assured the people of Manbij: "We, as forces of Manbij Military Council will remain, Manbij Military Council is of its people, and the international alliance is still in its existence, we have special joint operation rooms to protect Manbij city."