Hawar news agency center’s outline 10, 10, 2018

Hawar news agency center’s outline 10, 10, 2018
10 Decemberember 2018   01:00

-Following the Resistance of the Age in the second phase, the situation of the people of Afrin residing in al-Shahba, and the activities that support the Resistance to the Age.

-Following the latest developments of the attacks of the Turkish occupation army on Başûr Kurdistan and the legitimate defense zones.

-Following the progress of SDF in the final stage of al-Jazeera Tempest campaign within the battle to defeat terrorism.

- The Golden Crescent of Afrin canton will hold its annual meeting in Serdem Camp in al-Shahba canton to discuss its work and develop a new work plan and organization(accompanied with photos and videos.)

Abdul-Halim Osei explained that the leader Ocalan was aware that an international conspiracy would happen against him, so he told them to continue the revolutionary and struggle(accompanied with photos and videos.)

- The deputy commander-in-chief of the Manbij Military Council, Abu Ali Najm, said that they are military forces who will do everything they can to secure the city (accompanied with photos and videos.)

Hussein al-Seyada did not see the leader Ocalan and said, "The international conspiracy not only targeted the leader, not the Kurdish people, but targeted all components present in Kurdistan and the region and aimed at free thought, which is a way for us to get rid of injustice and tyranny." (accompanied with photos and videos.)


- Idlib, which is the warmest region in Syria now, will witness events in the coming days. The father will turn on his obedient son under Russian pressure, but will Turkey succeed?


- The researcher and historian Dr. Jawad Kazem al-Baydani said," The United States and Israel were seeking to break up the Middle East and this vision was contrary to the liberal vision of the leader Abdullah Ocalan,. He was targeted by a plot that led to his arrest and extradition to Turkey." (accompanied with photos and videos.)


Avin Yousef pointed out that the practices adopted by the government of AKP for media professionals are indicative of the political bankruptcy of the Turkish state. (accompanied with photos and videos.)

Society and life

- The people of Girê Spî canton need health centers in the towns and districts of the canton, because the city alone has a hospital that receives various medical conditions(accompanied with photos and videos.)