Hawar news agency center’s outline 11/08/2018

Hawar news agency center’s outline 11/08/2018
11 August 2018   01:00

-Following the last developments of al-Jazeera Tempest campaign which was resumed by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against IS mercenaries.

-Following the Resistance of the Age at its second stage, the situation of Afrin people who are residing in al-Shahba canton, and the activities and events supporting the Resistance of the Age.

-Following the latest developments of the Turkish occupation’s attacks launched against Başûr Kurdistan and the lawful defense zones.

The Democratic Society (TEV-DEM) will hold a meeting at Zana Hall in Qamishlo city on the occasion of the August 15 at 10.00 am(accompanied with photos and videos.)

- The Martyr Idriss Academy for the Internal Security Forces graduated training course for the members of the forces in Ain Issa district at 10:00 (accompanied with photos and videos.)

- One of the citizens of Afrin recounted the story of his suffering when he returned to Afrin, deceived by the Turkish occupation (accompanied with photos and videos.)


Turkey has always sought to keep Manbij city under the control of IS mercenaries, those who turned it into their military capital and planning attacks in Syria, Iraq and Europe as well. But the people of the Syrian north liberated this city, which is now a model of freedom, democracy and political management, and thus becomes a point of balance for all regional powers.


- Firas Kassas, the Syrian opposition politician, said that the Turks and the Russians have long reached agreements concerning the fate of Jabhat al-Nousra and the rest of the factions that are located inside the city of Idlib, stressing that the strategy of the areas of reducing the escalation was only a fine Russian military means to target the military factions one after the other (accompanied with photos and videos.)


The stagnation continues in the process of forming the Lebanese government two and a half months after the appointment of Saad Hariri to this task (accompanied with photos and videos.)


The Women's Council of the Al-Raqqa Civil Council will open its center in al-Raqqa in an opening ceremony at 11:00 (accompanied with photos and videos.)

- A room turned from her home to a workshop, challenged all the difficult physical conditions, and did not abandon her profession (accompanied with photos and videos.)


Youth of the Syrian Democratic Council will hold a meeting of youth in their center in al-Hasakah city with the aim of presenting the council, their tasks and mechanism of action at 12:00 (accompanied with photos and videos.)

Society and life

People Municipality in al-Shadadi district of al-Hasakah canton opens a municipality for the people in an official opening ceremony at 11:00 (accompanied with photos and videos.)

- Moved between several cities in Syria to escape IS mercenaries and mercenary gangss, and saw in the north of Syria safe haven, and reopened the laboratory again and aim to serve his country and its people by producing and not rely on the products of the West (accompanied with photos and videos.)

- She worked in Arabic medicine a profession in order to help her family and provide medical assistance to residents of al-Hol camp, in light of the failure of organizations to provide medical and service to them (accompanied with photos and videos.)

- Mezgaft dam, located north-east of Tirbespiyê district, was transformed into a nature reserve after being taken care of by the General Directorate of Protected Areas in al-Jazeera region, which planted about 10,000 trees (accompanied with photos and videos.)