First project in al-Raqqa to build special economy for women

The Women's Office is preparing to open the sewing workshop in al-Raqqa Civil Council as part of the activities of the office to raise the level of women's economy, build their own economy and achieve the principle of self-sufficiency.

First project in al-Raqqa to build special economy for women
11 August 2018   04:20


The Women's Office of al-Raqqa Civil Council continues to prepare a sewing workshop in al-Raqqa that serves women's economy and improves its economic standing.

The sewing workshop is located in the industrial neighborhood opposite Bab Bagdad and is currently being maintained from the inside and outside. Fifteen sewing machines are also available to serve the project as a first stage. , And women will be selected to work in this project who have experience in sewing

Administrator in Women's Office in al-Raqqa Civil Council Saud Kurdi confirmed that the project will provide employment opportunities for women in al-Raqqa and flourish of its economy. "The sewing work will open this month."

This project is considered the first of its kind for women in al-Raqqa, which serves the economy of women.

Since the liberation of the city of al-Raqqa from IS by virtue of SDF's fighters  al-Raqqa Civil Council works al-Raqqa Civil Council the Council and its affiliated institutions to serve the people of al-Raqqa to revive the city again.
