Al-Hasakah youth protested against Turkish occupation attacks

Rojava Youth Union in al-Hasakah denounced the attacks of the Turkish state against Başûr Kurdistan areas during a march.

Al-Hasakah youth protested against Turkish occupation attacks
29 July 2018   11:40


As part of the second stage of "Revolt" campaign organized by Rojava's Youth Union, dozens of members of the Union participated in a march to denounce attacks of the Turkish occupation against Başûr (southern) of Kurdistan.

The march took place in front of al-Etfaeya junction in al-Hasaka towards the center of Rojava Youth Union, where participants in the march carried pictures of the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan and flags of the Rojava Youth Union.

The march toured the streets of the city amid chanting slogans condemning theTurkish attacks against Başûr Kurdistan, and expressed their readiness to defend all parts of Kurdistan.

The participants gathered in front of the center of Rojava Youth Union, where a member of the Rojava Youth Union in al-Hasaka Sadeq Kobanî addressed the objectives of the campaign "Revolt" and said in this regard, "Revolt campaign will continue until the liberation of all areas of northern Syria and Başûr Kurdistan of the Turkish occupation."

Furthermore, the youth march ended with slogans which saluted the Resistance of Afrin and denounced Turkish state attacks.