Afrin women denounce Turkish occupation, emphasize on resistance

Afrin canton's women who are residing in Serdam camp (al-Asr) confirmed that they would return to Afrin that was sprinkled with the blood of the martyrs, and appealed to the United Nations, humanitarian organizations and the international community to abandon their silence towards the crimes of the Turkish occupation.

Afrin women denounce Turkish occupation, emphasize on resistance
19 April 2018   06:42


Afrin people who are staying in Serdam camp (al-Asr) in al-Shahba canton rejecting brutal practice by the Turkish occupation and its gangs and Turkification policy and demographic change in Afrin,   and genocide against Afrin people who are existing in the city.

Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviewed with women talking about the subject.

Citizen Klizar Mohammed said “The Turkish occupation has adopted the policy of Turkification and forced us to leave our homes by force. It changed the demographic of Afrin and replaced the indigenous people with the inhabitants of al-Ghouta"

Kilzar expressed their hope to return to Afrin said “We will return to Afrin and our banners are raised under People and Women Protection Units (YPG, YPJ) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) we are confident of them and believe in our cause and the approach of the martyrs."

In this context, Fatima Haji condemned the practices of the Turkish occupation and said, "Erdogan's practices did not stop at the borders of the occupation and change the demographics of Afrin only, but instead turned the signs written in Kurdish and Arabic into Turkish and Arabic in order to erase and obliterate the Kurdish identity  " .

Fatima added "Erdogan and his allies cannot change our language no matter how they try to obliterate it in Afrin, and we will resist for our Kurdish mother tongue."

In turn, Khatun Mohammad Hassan rejected the Turkish occupation and stressed the continuation of the resistance approach "to accept the Turkish occupation of Afrin city and our property and land. We will not remain indifferent to the practices and crimes of Erdogan and its mercenaries against civilians but we will struggle till the last breath."

At the end of her speech, Khatun appealed to the United Nations, humanitarian organizations and the international community to abandon their silence towards the crimes of the Turkish army and its mercenaries.

For her part citizen Janoviyana Mohommed "After the Turkish occupation launched its raids on Afrin, we forced us to leave Afrin to reduce the bloodshed, but the Turkish occupation took advantage of the opportunity and started to change Afrin's demographic and bring the inhabitants of Ghouta to  Afrin city 's villages ."

We, as the women of Afrin city will resist and follow the path of our martyrs and stand by People and Women Protection Units (YPG, YPJ) and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Afrin will be liberated from the hands of the occupiers because we have reared its land with the blood of our martyrs. "
