Young woman in al-Tabqa removes dust of human heritage

A Group of members of Young Women Union and a number of members of People’s municipality in al-Tabqa has launched a campaign to clean the ancient Jabar citadel, located 15 km north of al-Tabqa city, in the context of preserving the cleanliness of the heritage and history of the area.

Young woman in al-Tabqa removes dust of human heritage
Young woman in al-Tabqa removes dust of human heritage
14 April 2018   07:19


Forty women from Young Women Union and Municipality participated in the campaign

The campaign included the removal of rubbish and leftover remnants of IS mercenaries that they left behind before they fled the citadel under the blows of the fighters of Syrian Democratic Forces.

The citadel was cleaned from inside and outside and garbage was collected in bags designated for it to be transported by People's Municipality to the main landfills.

It is worth mentioning that IS mercenaries have urged the archeological Jabar citadel earlier in the period of their occupation of the area to a military barracks and training center for its foreign mercenaries, they destroyed parts of the castle and changed its features and became a collection point for the remnants of food and canned food.

"Young women today contribute to the revival of historical heritage of the area and the cleanliness of our country is the title of our civilization," said Laila al-Abd, the administrator of Young Women's Union.

Tourism and Antiquities Committee of Democratic Civil Administration of al-Tabqa, has been about a month and a half working on restoration of destruction IS mercenaries have left behind them within the castle within a plan to protect antiquities of the area and encourage tourism.
