Lecture on Ocelan's life, struggle given in Tirbê Sipîyê

Kongra Star organized two separate lectures on the life and struggle of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocelan and the isolation imposed on him by the Justice and Development Government (AKP) in Helwa and Maashouq towns.

Lecture on Ocelan's life, struggle given in Tirbê Sipîyê
9 April 2018   03:14



The two lectures began with holding a minute of silence. Then, the two members of Kongra Star in Tirbê Sipîyê district Hadia Shemu and Asia Jumaa delivered the lectures discussing the life of Ocelan and said, "The leader Ocalan was born in Amara village in Bakur Kurdistan, He moved to study at the Faculty of Law at the University of Istanbul in 1971, and in the same year, he moved to the Faculty of Political Science at Ankara University."

They referred to the international conspiracy that reached the oppressed peoples and who demanded their freedom in the personality of the leader of the democratic nation Abdullah Ocelan saying, “All countries conspired against him to be kidnapped and handed over to the Turkish state and transferred to Imrali island prison which, according to their understanding, would be the end of the Kurdish Cause and the revolutions of the peoples demanding freedom and democracy, but his thought and philosophy remained free in the minds of the peoples that have maintained and followed them, and achieved a lot of gains thanks to it in North Syria."

They stressed that the thought and philosophy of Ocelan brought safety and free and dignity life to the peoples of the area because he was the owner of the democratic nation's project calling for the co-existence of all peoples and unite.

They stressed, "The revolution of women is the revolution that will release the peoples of the area from terrorism by following Ocelan's path and philosophy, and we are continuing to liberate the leader from his prison."

Furthermore, the two lectures ended with chanting the slogans that demand Ocelan's freedom.