Afrin children hope to return to schools after dismissing Turkish occupation

Hawar news agency(ANHA) held interviews with children who have been denied their studying due to the bombardment of Turkish occupation army they are suffering from bad conditions hoping to return to school.

Afrin children hope to return to schools after dismissing Turkish occupation
7 April 2018   05:54


Turkish occupation army used many kinds of weapons against inhabited areas in Afrin city such as F-16 and artillery which caused much destruction to the schools; more than 318 schools have been destroyed as well as to universities and institutes out of service.

The Pedagogy Committee of the Democratic Society said that 50,000 students were denied school, 19 students have been martyred as well as 27 were injured during the Turkish shelling.

50,000 students are living now in the wilderness and denied from studying due to the shelling of the Turkish occupation army.

As reported by our agency's correspondents (ANHA) from al-Shahba district where Afrin people reside, the situation of the children is not good. The most important thing that affects the psyche of children is to stay away from home where they grew up.

The children asked through our agency to dismiss the Turkish occupation army from Afrin and return to their schools.

Abdul Rahman Tobal 13 –year-old boy from the center of Shia district said "We were going to our schools but the Turkish state destroyed our schools, we love to go back to our schools and our homes, and we want the Turkish occupier to come out of our land."

Ali Meho 10-year-old boy confirmed Turkish occupation army has destroyed their schools and was eager to return to his school.
