Yazidi House: Erdogan's Party uses Yazidi people to pass policy to end our existence

Yazidi House of al-Jazeera region denounced the statement issued by some of the personalities and organizations that claim to represent Yazidis in Syria and asks the coalition to return Yazidi citizens to their villages in Afrin and demands participation in the administration of Afrin.

Yazidi House: Erdogan's Party uses Yazidi people to pass policy to end our existence
26 March 2018   09:55

NEWS DESK - The so-called Syrian Yazidi Council issued a statement on Sunday demanding that Syrian coalition work to return Yazidis who came out of their villages as a result of the bombing of Turkish occupation and fear of committing massacres against their villages and their involvement in the administration of Afrin within the Council established by Turkish state in Entebbe the Turkish city.

 Yazidi House in al-Jazeera region said that the people of religion suffered from the genocide and murder by Turkish state and its mercenaries since the beginning of Syrian revolution to this day, which aims to exterminate all components of history and ancient religions in the region to pass his policies of bloody occupation of their bloody ancestors by us in the "valleys of Khaltan and Saruj" in northern Kurdistan.

The text of the statement

Kurdish and Yazidi public opinion in particular.
"We are the people of Yazidi religion in North Syria in general and in Afrin area and al-Jazeera in particular, we show the whole world that we are based on our land and the participants defend it against all terrorist groups that supported by Turkey in all their names. From the first moment of Sengal decree we were present with all the people of Rojava to help the 73 decree survivors by terrorist groups.

We have suffered a lot from Turkish state and its mercenaries since the beginning of Syrian revolution to this day, which aims to exterminate us on our land here and exterminate all the components of history and ancient religions in the region to pass his policies.

They burned our villages and executed the captives of Yazidis in Yazidi villages of Serê Kanîyê in 2013. They themselves attacked the Yazidis villages in Qustal and Bafluna in Afrin on the grounds that we are infidels since 2013.

In this sense, we denounce all the personalities, organizations or parties that claim to represent Yazidis and ask the coalition through Kurdish National Council and even to share them in the return of civilians to the hands of these terrorist mercenaries and change them to Afrin management.
We ask these personalities and parties to draw attention and self-criticism and leave the political hatreds aside and consider the right of sacrifices of People and Women Protection Units for their contribution to the people of North Syria, especially the Yazidi people. We also called upon our people not to be dragged into the tricks of the Turkish occupation state, and patience and resistance until these terrorist groups and the occupier are removed from Afrin and put things back to their initial position.