Health Council appeals for aid to Afrin residents

The Health Council in al- Shahba and Afrin cantons appealed today to the international society and the concerned authorities to open the crossings and allow aid to enter the areas inhabited by the Afrin residents who  have been forced to leave their homes.

Health Council appeals for aid to Afrin residents
26 March 2018   09:53

 AL-SHAHBA - The health council inal-Shahba and Afrin cantons  issued a statement to the international public opinion regarding the situation of the Afrin residents who  have been forced to leave their homes because of continuous shelling by the Turkish occupation army and its  gangs The statement was read by Health Council member Azad Sabri.

The text of the statement:

"Fifty-eight days after the attack by the Turkish army and the mercenary  gangs supported by the Syrian coalition on Afrin canton and the result of the indiscriminate shelling of artillery, warplanes and internationally prohibited weapons. The bombing of vital centers and civilian institutions, such as pumping stations, clinics, health centers, hospitals, Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to leave Afrin to go to Sherawa and  al-Shahba canton  leaving their homes to search for shelter. Water and lack of medicines and health services.

We in the health council in al-Shahba and Afrin cantons  put all the resources available to us in the service of the people, but they were very few like the number of people who came from Afrin.

Despite the assistance provided by our people in North-Syria and some organizations, it does not meet the need. Therefore, we appeal urgently to the international society to pressure all concerned to open the crossings and allow humanitarian organizations to enter the health facilities and provide the needs of those forced to leave their homes. Health and preventive measures to prevent the spread of epidemics and communicable diseases.

And we assure our people that we in the health council in al-Shahaba canton and Afrin canton will work hard day and night to ease the burden on them until the aggression defeated the Turkish occupation and its gangs from Afrin canton  in full. "
