KCDK-E appeals to participate in demonstration , sit-in March 24

The Kurdistan Democratic Society Conference in Europe appealed to the Kurds and their friends to participate in the demonstration and sit-in, which will be held on March 24 in the German city Cologne.

KCDK-E appeals to participate in demonstration , sit-in March 24
23 March 2018   11:19

NEWS DESK –The Divan of The Kurdistan Democratic Society Conference(KCDK-E) in Europe issued a statement in which it said: "We appeal to everyone to rise up and raise their voice against the religious merchants and the Fascism of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) which commits the massacres."

 the statement said "These policies distort the true religion of Islam and Muslims, and that is why everyone, especially the Kurds, Alawites, Yezidis, and the Syrians must rise up against the massacres and hostile agreements of the AKP Party and the MHP."

The statement said that the holy sites of Muslims, Alawites, Yezidis and Christians in Afrin are being violated and destroyed. They are practicing these policies to support the enemies of humanity represented by IS and Jabhat al-Nasra, these murderers, because they kill the identity and beliefs of all religions.

The resistance of the age in Afrin is a resistance to the common life, dignity and freedom of all faiths, religions, real Muslims, Christians, Yezidis and Alawites. They must support the resistance of the age and adopt this resistance to preserve their religion and they must revolt against massacres and injustice.