Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba

Peopel 'Municipality in al-Shabba is working to secure the needs of Afrin residents who have been forced to leave their homes as a result of attacks by the Turkish occupation army and its gangs The co-chair of the Municipal Committee indicated that they received no support from any humanitarian or international organization.

Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba
Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba
Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba
Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba
Lack of capabilities ...Project  to build camp in al-Shabba
23 March 2018   10:16


AL_SHABA- Thousend of Afrin 's poeple have been forced  to leave their homes due to of the shelling of the Turkish occupation army using all kindes of weapons against  civilians people most of them headed toward to al-Shabba canton which is considered safe palce so people 's municipality Committe to al-Shabba canton and in coordination with Afrin 's canton administration to build new camp in Fafin district  to Afrin 's people .

Where people 's Municipality studied the area and the nature of the land before the establishment of the camp forAfrin people , and after the study in full, the municipality began the first stage to bring the Turks and dumps donated by the people of Shahbaa to repair and clean the camp from the rubble and dirt.

In the second stage they set up the camp floor mats with the remains of the necessary materials in addition to drilling wells to provide water to the people. In the third stage they carried out the plan for the places where the tents, bathrooms and sanitation will be located.

The electrical tension grid and the electric generator will also be extended to light the camp, while the camp will include "medical points, school, and shops for daily necessities."

The co-chair of the People's municipality Committee in al-Shabba canton Mohammed Alo said in this regard"We have not received any support from any humanitarian or international organization, so we appeal to human rights organizations and stakeholders to provide us with assistance to establish this camp and to send the necessary food and supplies because we are facing a humanitarian disaster.

It is worth mentioning that the People's Municipality Committee in al-Shabba have allocated about 12.5 hectares of the camp area, and the area allocated to the camp will be about 3,000 tents.
