Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city

"Resistance of  the Age" entered new stage and have given to Afrin 's people confidence that they will return to their homes after liberation and despite their suffering but they are optimisming .

Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
Afrin 's people living harsh conditions waiting for libertion their city
23 March 2018   06:21

AL_SHABBA –Afrin 's people who have been forced to leave their homes fear from massacres committied by gangs of the Turkish occupation army and theya are facing bad conditions waiting to return to their homes after liberation .

Afrin 's people properties are looted by gangs of the Turkish occupation army after leaving their villages fear of massacres committed by Turkish army and its gangs against civilians and intensifying its shelling of civilian homes, public facilities, hospitals and infrastructure.

A new stage in resistance, and a return to the liberated home

More than 300.000 refugee are existing in al-Shabba canton , they are living now in schools , mosques and homes that were exposed last year to bomb of the Turkish occupation army and warpalnes before the liberation these areas of IS gangs supported by Turkey  

Afrin 's people are suffering  from difficult living conditions due to the severe shortage of food and medicine because they are hoping  to return home soon after they release by hands of the fighters of( YPG, YPJ) to protect their homes after they announced the start of a new stage in their war against the Turkish occupation army and itsgangs . This increases the determination of the people to persevere and resist waiting to return home.

They are patient and live despite the tragedy

The motherMariam Khalil  from Trmsha village in Mobata district , 60 years old, was displaced a week ago fromAfrin city  with her children and grandchildren to Aqbia village at Sherawa district where they stayed overnight and due to the large number of residents there moved from there to Ahras town in al-Shabbs canton .

Maryam's family came out of Afrin as a result of the heavy shelling of the air and targeting civilian houses. They went out with their clothes and could not take anything with them. They shared with the other families the carpets, the quilts, the food and the drink.

Mother Maryam  is now living with dozens of families displaced in the school of Ahras town  which was destroyed by the sheeling of the air force of the Turkish occupation army a year ago, some of the families that moved to al-Shabba canton brought with it some of the needs that are rarely adequate.

Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviewed with Maryam was sitting with her husband Habib Abdo and her grandchildren on a mat that she shared with another displaced woman when she was in  Aqiba village at sherawa who was seen on the grass in front of the destroyed school. "We hope to get back to our village as soon as she is cleansed of gangs ."

Waiting for special medical assistance and support

Wahid Abdo form Jubana village at Rajo district said "We live in more than 40 people, mostly children and the elderly. My father is sick and needs medication and there is no medicine," .

Waiting for liberation

At the heart of every child, a woman, a man of hope and faith in the near victory, and the liberation of their village and Afrin city –" the city of Zeitoun" - from the abomination of the Turkish occupation army and itsgngs  they say we will return to our homes when they are cleansed by the People 's and Women's Protection Units (YPG, YPJ).

Mother Zakia Mustafa Murad from Gouda  village in Rajo district, echoed with words of optimism, determination and confidence that her children (YPG, YPJ) will return them to their homes and that they will return only when they are freed from gangs .
