YPJ declares martyrdom of International fighter of Argentine nationality

Women Protection Units (YPJ) announced the martyrdom of International fighter, Argentinean nationality (Alena Sanchez) and promised to continue its march until the fulfillment of its aspirations.

YPJ declares martyrdom of International fighter of Argentine nationality
22 March 2018   09:01

NEWS DESK - Women's protection units issued a written statement on the martyrdom of the International fighter Alina Sanchez, who martyred of a traffic accident.

The statement pointed out that Rojava Revolution, especially the resistance and struggle of women, revived the hopes of people in general and the women of world in particular, of freedom and peace, which made hundreds of women and from around the world join the ranks of Women Protection Units.

"One of the most revolutionary of the revolutionaries is Dr. Lekrin Jia (Alena Sanchez), who martyred in a traffic accident, Latin American, from the country built with the revolution culture, from the birthplace of the revolutionist Albert Che Guevara was a woman who embodied the freedom and equality of peoples.

Lekrin shared the revolution with a spirit of great sacrifice, and made great efforts, always searching for the truth of man. Her search for this fact led her from Latin America from her country of Argentina to Rojava, her constant search for truth led her to the revolution of women and became a true companion to all peoples and all women. "

"Lekrin, who fought in the revolution for several years in the field of health and treated hundreds of our comrades, treated the wounded fighters with great enthusiasm and morale, always demanding to go to the front lines, and despite all the difficulties were always close to the fighters. She lived in the ranks of revolution with a strong will, her heart was filled with love of comrades and love of the leader Abo. "

People Protection Units renewed its pledge to continue the martyrdom approach of the martyrs Lekrin and all the revolution martyrs, and to defend their values to the end. "We will be the best answer to its search for truth, renew the era of retaliation and say that Lekrin will remain immortal.

22 March 2018, Thursday - 11:02

Lekrin's martyrdom record:

Nom de guerre: Lakrin Jia

Name and surname: Alena Sanchez

Mother's name: Patrika

Father's name: Rudolf

Place of Birth: Argentina 1986

Place and date of martyrdom: Al - Hasakah 17 March 2018.
