TEV-DEM warns "traitors" Afrin dust, its oil will not celebrate their arrival

Democratic Society Movement, which declared on March 18 at Entebbe under the title of "Afrin Rescue Conference", does not make any legitimacy or victory, and warned them that "the dust of Afrin and its oil will not celebrate the advent of traitors."

TEV-DEM warns "traitors" Afrin dust, its oil will not celebrate their arrival
22 March 2018   08:25

NEWS DESK- Democratic Society Movement today issued a written statement to public opinion on the reasons for the withdrawal of People and Women Protection Units from Afrin city, and the worsening humanitarian situation of the citizens of Afrin, in addition to the Council formed in Entebbe city,Turkish administration of Afrin.

The statement reads as follows:

"Resistance of the age fight in the face of the barbarism of Turkish fascist army and its mercenary jihadist allies, for 58 days, captures historical themes of courage and redemption." The experience of continuous resistance against the occupying power and its destructive machine has given us a profound lesson in challenging tyranny and brute force. .

Similarly, our dedicated people in Afrin canton demonstrated the most remarkable examples of historical steadfastness, and proved to the world that it was impossible to defeat, break its will or uproot it. This steadfastness was the strongest and most effective response to the designs of shepherd of terror and terrorists in Ankara, obliterating his identity or his existence.

The continuation and intensification of the barbaric offensive throughout this period, by the use of the latest and most deadly techniques of destruction by the Fascist Islamic Army, under an international and suspicious silence, has exacerbated the humanitarian plight of civilians, especially after the majority of the inhabitants of the canton's countryside, the fleets from Turkish army, to Afrin city. In the past two weeks, the Fascist army and its mercenary allies have tightened their grip on the city and directly destroyed basic services, cut water, electricity, and destroyed health centers and hospitals in order to appease and surrender the population. Air strikes and artillery have played a key role in terrorizing hundreds of thousands of civilians and forcing them into forced displacement, and spending hard days in the open without any help or relief from International Organizations, which were merely the witness of tragedy.

Russian complicity with the occupation army, and in the shadow of the shameful silence of the Damascus regime, which has lost its sovereign decision, and the unjust silence of International Community, are the cause of last tragedy of our people. As we hold these parties to what our people have been subjected to, our will is still ongoing until victory and the defeat of occupier and its mercenary allies and liberate the land of Afrin by purifying sacrifices and nobility.

Victory is not a product of temporary and transitory moment, and therefore we assure our people of the permanence of victory of the resistance in Afrin until this moment. YPJ and YPG have been able to continue to confront the aggression in Afrin for a short time. However, our moral responsibility for the worsening humanitarian tragedy of the civilians has put us in the face of a real and fateful challenge.

The decision to withdraw from the city was cruel to our heroes who used to fight barbarism and terrorism and believed that the resistance was a life, but it was in the best interest of our people and for the continuation of the resistance and its escalation in the ghettos of "Zhai Corming" until it was cleared of invading mercenaries. And whatever the media is trying to the enemy and its mercenary allies portraying the order and presenting it as a decisive victory for them and defeat us, we assure our people and pledge before all that we are victorious as long as we resist and do not give in, and our promise to our martyrs that revenge is close and will not make the enemy enjoy a single degree of safety in our land until liberation.

We are certain, as our people are sure, that the arrogant enemy, if it is for its own sake, will not stand at Afrin, declaring it openly that its barbarity will extend to all the areas of Rojava and North Syria, but even wider to Sinjar and Kirkuk, The existence of our people everywhere. The Turkish president clearly demonstrates that he is not targeting a particular region or party as he claimed and justifies his aggression, and he will not rid himself of abhorrent racist phobia that lies in his head and the head of every fascist Turkish nationalist until they are awakened by continuous blows of resistance or crush our people and annihilate as he and his allies.

We call on International Community, with its civil and political organizations and bodies, to shoulder its moral and political responsibilities in ensuring the safe return of all displaced persons to their homes and protecting their property and homes. We urge everyone to step up to provide an urgent mission to our people. We are wary of the malicious political maneuvers of Turkish president who wants to change the demographic reality in Afrin and impose a different cultural identity on the area.

We also urge the UN Security Council to put pressure on Turkish army to comply with its resolutions and the laws of International Community and to withdraw its forces. We declare to all that we will deal with them as an occupying power and not all legitimate Human Rights to defend our existence and liberate our land.

We recall in particular the Council of Mercenaries, which was announced on 18 March 2018 in Entebbe under the title of "Afrin Rescue Conference", that treason does not create any legitimacy or victory, and that the rescue of Afrin is not through the approach of employment but is achieved through the approach of resistance and sacrifices and warn them that the dust of Afrin and its oil will not celebrate the advent of traitors and a series of degenerate groups and a worthless convoy describing themselves with qualities that are inferior to being close to them, this poor and inferior and immoral class agent and legislator of the occupation will take revenge of our people in a timely manner and will be an example of anyone who wants to prejudice the will of Afrin and its people and its great history. "

The statement concluded with the slogans "Glory to the martyrs, victory to resist Afrin, shame on traitors and mercenaries."
