Turkish occupation army uses chemical weapons 426 times this year

The Turkish occupation army has used chemical gases and banned weapons in the Medya Defense areas in Southern Kurdistan 426 times since the beginning of this year.

Turkish occupation army uses chemical weapons 426 times this year
28 June 2024   17:49

The Turkish occupation state launched its first military attack on Southern Kurdistan on May 25, 1983, under the name "Operation Beyond Borders." This was the first time the Turkish occupation crossed the borders, followed by dozens of occupation attacks. Recently, on April 16, the Turkish occupation army launched a new attack on the Medya Defense areas.

The Turkish occupation state commits crimes by using chemical weapons. It used banned bombs and chemical weapons 256 times during its attack on Gare in February 2021. It launched 3,280 attacks with chemical gases and banned bombs on the Guerrilla forces in 2022, and 1,047 attacks in 2023.

Here, we present the tally of crimes committed by the Turkish occupation state using toxic chemical gases and banned bombs against Guerrilla forces and the nature of Southern Kurdistan during the attacks carried out from January 1 to June 26 of this year, according to the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces.


The Turkish occupation state attacked Guerrilla fortifications 6 times with banned bombs and 238 times with warplanes, and 18 times with explosive-rigged drones. Meanwhile, fighters from the People's Defense Forces and the Free Women's Units-Star carried out 79 operations against the Turkish occupation army, including a large-scale revolutionary operation, resulting in the death of 99 Turkish occupation soldiers and the injury of 12 others.


The Turkish occupation army launched 211 attacks with warplanes, 5 attacks with war helicopters, one attack with banned bombs, and 10 attacks with drones. The Guerrilla forces carried out 18 operations against the occupation army, resulting in the death of an officer and 40 soldiers of the Turkish occupation army and the injury of 3 soldiers.


The Turkish occupation army launched 226 attacks with warplanes, 5 attacks with war helicopters, 9 attacks with banned bombs, and 15 attacks with armed drones. A revolutionary operation and 14 qualitative operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces resulted in the death of 43 Turkish occupation soldiers and the injury of 11 others.


During April, the Turkish occupation army launched 279 attacks with warplanes, 30 attacks with war helicopters, 11 attacks with banned bombs, and 9 attacks with drones and chemical weapons. The 29 operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces during this month resulted in the death of 12 Turkish occupation soldiers and the injury of 3 others.


The Turkish occupation state launched 286 attacks with chemical weapons and used banned bombs 37 times against Guerrilla forces. It also launched 245 attacks with warplanes, 43 attacks with war helicopters, and 61 attacks with drones. The 82 operations carried out by the Guerrilla forces against the Turkish occupation army, using all its advanced techniques and weapons, resulted in the death of 43 Turkish occupation soldiers and the injury of 4 soldiers.


Banned and chemical weapons were used 73 times, and 204 attacks with warplanes were launched during the period from the 1st to the 26th of June. The Guerrilla forces carried out 86 operations, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of Turkish occupation soldiers.
