toll of crimes and violations of Turkish occupation during the first half of 2024

The Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces has revealed the toll of crimes and violations committed by the Turkish occupation during the first half of 2024. It confirmed that the occupation launched 339 attacks on North and East Syria using drones, warplanes, and heavy weapons.

toll of crimes and violations of Turkish occupation during the first half of 2024
7 July 2024   18:25

In a statement released on Sunday, the Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces highlighted the ongoing violations and crimes carried out by the Turkish occupation against the residents of North and East Syria. The occupation's actions amount to full-fledged war crimes, with attacks spanning from Derik to the town of Ain Issa, extending to Manbij, al-Shahba, and Afrin areas. These attacks targeted infrastructure facilities and endangered medical personnel, civil defense workers, and media professionals.

Initially focusing on infrastructure facilities and factories, the Turkish occupation shifted its targets to agricultural fields, particularly wheat and barley fields, during the months of May and June. This deliberate destruction of agricultural lands, vital for the livelihoods of the people, has led to pollution from burning crops, adversely affecting crops and other organisms. Additionally, targeting oil stations in Qamishlo has resulted in pollution of river water, such as the Jaghjag River, while villages and towns along the ceasefire line endured random attacks, causing civilian casualties and property damage.

With the beginning of the summer season, residents of northeastern Syria are suffering from power outages, especially in the city of Qamishlo, which is the sector most affected by Turkish violations. As for the city of al-Hasakah, it is still suffering, like every summer, from water shortages due to the Turkish occupation cutting off water from the occupied Alok” station. Additionally, the Turkish occupation committed a heinous war crime by targeting the Home for the Wounded in Qamishlo, resulting in the martyrdom of two individuals wounded in the war against ISIS, namely Sorkhwin Rojhilat and Azadi Derik.

The outcome of the Turkish occupation’s violations and attacks on the regions of northern and eastern Syria during the first half of 2024 was as follows:

- Total number of attacks: /339/ attacks.

- Number of attacks with heavy weapons: /249/ attacks.

- Number of drone attacks: /86/ targeting.

- Number of civilian martyrs: /5/ people, including a child and two women.

The number of injured civilians: 52 people, including 14 children and 6 women.

- Number of military martyrs: /6/ martyrs.

– Targeted infrastructure facilities: 23 facilities

– Targeted agricultural areas: 13 areas

Details of the Turkish occupation's targeting were as follows:

– Targeting infrastructure facilities:

On January 6, the Umm al-Keif silos in the town of Tal Tamr were targeted.

On January 13, a gas station was targeted in the town of Tirbespiyê.

On January 13, an oil station was targeted in the town west of Tirbespiyê.

On January 14, a wheat warehouse was targeted in the town of “Al-Ghaba” in Kobani. The warehouse was targeted by two raids, and the raid also targeted the civil defense and civil media teams who rushed to the place.

On January 14, a power station was targeted in the town of Amuda.

On January 14, the “Nirqaz” company was targeted in the town of “Sheikho” in Qamishlo.

On January 14, a power station was targeted in the center of the town of Kobani, through two successive raids by the Turkish occupation warplanes, as well as the civil defense teams and medical teams that rushed to the place.

On January 14, a power station was targeted in the center of Qamishlo city.

On January 14, a driving school was targeted in the western countryside of the city of Qamishlo.

On January 14, a factory for making halva and tahini in the western countryside of the city of Qamishlo.

On January 14, an electricity facility in As-Suwaydiya was targeted.

On January 14, a gas plant was targeted in the “Gujarat” area in the city of Derik.

On January 15, a power station in Ad-Darbasiyah was targeted.

On January 15, a power station was targeted in the center of Qamishlo city.

On January 15, the “Awdeh” oil station and the electricity transfer station in “Tirbespiyê” were targeted.

On January 15, a power station in Rmelan was targeted, resulting in the injury of civilian Caprin Farho.

On February 1, an oil station was targeted in the city of Qamishlo, which led to the pollution of the Jaghjag River.

On February 6, a bird poultry was targeted in the village of “al-Nasro” in the town of “Sarin” in the city of Kobani.

On February 11, the building of the Home for the Wounded in the city of Qamishlo was targeted, leading to the martyrdom of two wounded people, “Azadi Derik” and “Sorkhwin Rojhilat.”

On February 26, a bird poultry farm was targeted in the village of “Aa-Taana” in the al-Shahba areas, which led to the death of the civilian, “Youssef Al-Hayek,” and the injury of the child, “Abdul Rahman Al-Hayek.”

On April 19, an oil station was targeted in the town of Tirbe Spiyeh.

On May 20, the Saida oil station in Tirbespiyê was targeted.

On June 5, the high-voltage electricity network was targeted on the frontlines in the “Tal Abyad” countryside.

T/ Satt.