Sozdar Avesta: Let's intensify struggle inspired by july 14 resistance

Sozdar Avesta, a member of the General Presidential Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), stated that strengthening the struggle can only be achieved in the manner of the martyrs of the "Death Fasting" resistance, who created the philosophy of free life, and called for intensifying the struggle based on the spirit of the July 14 resistance.

Sozdar Avesta: Let's intensify struggle inspired by july 14 resistance
15 July 2024   15:09

Sozdar Avesta evaluated the impact of the Amed Prison resistance in Northern Kurdistan, known as the "Death Fasting", on all of Kurdistan and its people during an interview with "STERK TV" on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the event, which took place on July 14.

She began her evaluation by commemorating the martyrs of the "Death Fasting" resistance, saying: "I respectfully and gratefully remember comrades Kemal Pir, Mohammed Khairi Durmush, Akif Yilmaz, and Ali Cicek. In the memory of these comrades, I also respectfully remember all comrades who elevated the struggle on the path of leader Abdullah Ocalan and ascended to martyrdom, and I bow in respect before the martyrs of freedom."

She pledged, "We will certainly fulfill our promise to achieve the goals of the martyrs, and on this honorable day, we renew our promise once again in front of all the people of Kurdistan and the peoples of the region."

She affirmed that the martyrs of the Amed Prison resistance "did not only defend the dignity of the Kurdish people, but also the dignity of all democratic nations. They stated what was necessary through their struggle, stance, and great perseverance."

Sozdar Avesta touched on the period during which the Amed Prison resistance began and its significance, stating: "The Apoist movement was still in its foundational stage during the fascist era of September 12. They wanted to eliminate the hope of revolution in Kurdistan and even in Turkey by imprisoning these comrades. If we may say so, they wanted to strangle and kill the child before it was born and saw the light. They aimed to block the path to the formation of the movement and its expansion and struggle. For this reason, they launched an attack on the pioneers of the PKK liberation movement in prisons, subjected them to severe torture, and with their brutality violated values created in the name of humanity."

She continued, "In the face of this injustice and breakdown, initially, the comrade Mazlum Dogan, the Kawa of our era, ignited the flame of freedom with three matchsticks on March 21, 1982, lighting the path of struggle. The four comrades showed their stance on this path, defended human values, and carried out their operation on May 18, 1982. Consequently, the July 14 resistance fighters began their action to crown the success of Mazlum Dogan and the four comrades' operations. This action was a significant decision-making process. They decided with this action that 'there is no return from this cause.' Additionally, they carried out such a great action that created history."

She added, "As leader Ocalan said at the time, these comrades defended our dignity and the identity of the PKK. The PKK in Amed Prison became a line of resistance against fascism through these comrades. These comrades themselves became the PKK. During this period, Sakina Gansiz (Sara), one of our comrades who joined the PKK liberation movement, joined these comrades, and together they strengthened the resistance. This resistance became the yeast of the Kurdish liberation movement, the true loyalty to the revolutionary spirit of the PKK and the leader, and the standard of the correct stance against oppression. They demonstrated how to know the enemy and show the stance against the enemy, which they showed through resistance. If the resistance in Amed Prison had not taken place 42 years ago in this way, and if this line had not been confirmed, it would not have been possible, of course, to talk about the Kurdish liberation movement."

Member of the General Presidential Council of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), Sozdar Avesta, explained, "We are grateful to these comrades. Fulfilling their cause and achieving their goals is a duty and a responsibility for us. Strengthening the struggle along the lines of women's freedom and the leader can only be achieved in the manner of Kemal, Khairi, Akif, and Ali. They created the philosophy of free life to such an extent that, despite their bodies melting away, they said 'this is not enough.' For example, Khairi Durmush said, 'When I become a martyr, write on my gravestone that he owes his people.' They left us such a great tradition. For this reason, this line of struggle has continued in this way for 42 years and is entering its 43rd year.”