Hawar News Agency Plan 7-15-2024

Hawar News Agency Plan 7-15-2024
15 July 2024   02:00

Women forcibly displaced from Afrin have considered that the Turkish occupation has been practicing the policy of Turkification of the occupied areas since 2018, and stressed that whatever Turkey does, Afrin will remain Kurdish (attached with photos and video).

Idris Hajji has been repairing watches for 35 years. He was forced to stop his profession for a month, after he was forcibly displaced from Afrin, and then resumed work on a small “stall” in the town of Fafin in Shahba (photos and video attached).

During this period of the year, fruit trees are exposed to types of fungal diseases and insect pests. What are they, what are the ways to prevent them, and how can they be treated? (Attached with photos and video).

The people of the city of Tal Tamr held a rally denouncing the attacks of the Turkish occupation state on Southern Kurdistan, in front of the People’s Court building, at 09:00 (photos and video attached).

The Young Women's Union in the city of Darbasiyah is organizing a motorcycle race starting from the village of Qarmani to the village of Berkafri, at 09:00 (photos and video attached).

The Education Body of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria will hold its annual meeting at its headquarters in the city of Raqqa, at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The Martyrs' Families Council in the city of Çil Agha, Jazera Canton is holding an event to commemorate the July 14 resistance, at the Cultural Center at 10:00 (photos and video attached).

The PYD is organizing a session on reading the arguments of Leader Abdullah Ocalan, in the hall of the Directorate of Agriculture and Irrigation in the city of Tel Hamis, at 11:00 (photos and video attached).

Under Patronage the Confederation of Democratic Society Organizations in the North and East Syria Region, the Union of Engineers for North and East Syria honors the engineers who supervised the implementation of the new Raqqa Bridge at 11:00 (photos and video attached).

The Martyrs' Families Council in Afrin and Shahba canton will carry the body of the martyr, fighter in the Kurdish Front forces, Abdullah Ahmed who will be laid to rest in the Martyrs' Shrine, at 18:00 (photos and video attached).