Displaced Women: Liberation of Afrin is inevitable reality

Women forcibly displaced from Afrin have considered that the Turkish occupation has been practicing the policy of Turkification of the occupied areas since 2018, and stressed that whatever Turkey does, Afrin will remain Kurdish.

Displaced Women: Liberation of Afrin is inevitable reality
15 July 2024   03:31

Since the Turkish occupation of Afrin on March 18, 2018, the city has witnessed insecurity chaos, including murder, kidnapping, looting, sexual assault, robbery, and internal fighting between mercenaries over property and crossings.

According to documented statistics, since the occupation until the end of May of this year, the number of kidnapping cases reached 10,332 cases, 463 cases of murder, and 142 cases of sexual assault against  803 women.

Although 6 years have passed since they were forcibly displaced from Afrin, the displaced women hope to return to Afrin alongside the military forces after the expelling of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

Golestan Muhammad, one of those displaced women, expressed their firm position on returning to Afrin, after its liberation from the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries.

 “Crimes against humanity being committed there, amid an attempt to change the identity of our regions" Golestan Muhammad said.

While Jawaher Muhammad made the point clear "We will not leave Afrin to the colonizers and occupiers who do not appreciate its value and act brutally against its population and nature, by plundering, killing, kidnapping, and changing the demographic composition."

She added: "The olive trees will never belong to the Turkish occupier, the right will be taken by force and will return to its owners."

Jawaher Qasr Omar said, "We will liberate Afrin soon and let the occupier know well that Afrin will not remain under the yoke of occupation for long. The Afrin Liberation Forces are our forces."

While Amina Taher saw Turkey’s attempts to change the demographics of the region as just an illusion. “We reject what is being practiced against our city, the Turkish occupation of Afrin is just an illusion, and will not last long, Afrin has Kurdish features, no matter how much the occupier tries to deny this fact.” 

Amina stressed that " Liberation of Afrin will be by our forces, and this inevitable reality."

During last June, ANHA agency decumented  the killing of 18 Syrians by Turkey and its mercenaries in occupied Afrin, Girê Spi, and Serêkaniyê, in addition to cases of kidnapping, assault, and seizure of property.
