Sibling of 3 members of Peshmerga Roj: "Enough is enough"

Haitham Mahmoud Ali called on his three brothers in the Peshmerga Roj to return home, and said: “The enemy has not been able to defeat the Guerrilla for 40 years, and you will not be able to defeat them either. They are deceiving you there, so lay down your weapons and return to your homes.”

Sibling of 3 members of Peshmerga Roj: "Enough is enough"
30 May 2024   08:01

The three brothers of Haitham Mahmoud Ali (45 years old) traveled; Hassan (35 years old), Basil (29 years old), and Muhammad (28 years old) moved from Rojava to southern Kurdistan in 2012, and joined the ranks of (Peshmerga Roj) at the beginning of its formation in 2012.


Haitham Mahmoud Ali expressed his dissatisfaction with the joining of his three brothers to the (Peshmerga Roj) and said: “When they told us about their joining, I told them that there is evil in this matter, as the government in Southern Kurdistan arrests our Kurdish sons there and hands them over to the fascist Turkish regime, so how can you live in a place that is handed over to Are the Kurds against the enemy? And it is shameful for them to say that they are Kurds while raising the Turkish flag above their castles. You have left your homes and gone. If you had been here, you would have been able to defend your homeland. If you were truly soldiers for your homeland, you would have been here and not there. Joining the Peshmerga Roj is a grave mistake. So you'd better back off now."

"Those areas have been owned by the Guerrilla for years."

Haitham Mahmoud Ali pointed out that the defense areas of Mediya are for the Guerrilla and the enemy has not been able to defeat them over the years of war. He continued: “How do they fight their brothers? We are against this. Those areas have been for the Guerrilla for years, and those who fight in those mountains are part of our spirit. How will you fight them?” The enemy has not been able to defeat them for 40 years, and you will not be able to defeat them either. The Peshmerga Roj cannot defeat the Kurds. Whoever follows the enemy is not Kurdish. They do this for money and for their interests. Is dignity measured by money? Is it permissible to bring their bodies into Roj? "Ava, even if it decomposes there."

"The enemy is deceiving you"

 “Enough is enough.” With these words, Haitham Mahmoud Ali called on his three brothers and all the members of the Peshmerga Roj: “We hope that the Peshmerga members will reconsider themselves and return to their homeland. This is the path not for us. The enemy is deceiving you there, and he will not care about you while he is thinking about how to exploit you. Your behavior is no longer tolerable, the knife has reached the bone. If you do not retreat, you will have no place here. You are the sons of this country and there is no place for you there. In our country there is work and life is available and you can defend him."

If they don't lay down their weapons...

At the conclusion of his speech, Haitham Mahmoud Ali warned his brothers, saying: “If the Peshmerga Roj attack the Guerrilla, let them know that they have no family here, and then your presence and absence will be the same. You must not support the enemy and we hope that you will lay down your weapons.”

T/ Satt.