"Resistance of the people, guerrilla thwarts the occupation attacks"

The displaced people of Afrin pointed to the Turkish occupation state's efforts to eliminate the fighters of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, through its attacks on the Mediya defense zones in Southern Kurdistan and said: "We will always struggle to protect our achievements and the guerrilla are our sons and daughters."

"Resistance of the people, guerrilla thwarts the occupation attacks"
9 September 2024   04:10

The Turkish occupation state seeks to achieve its goals and plans related to neo-Ottomanism, through the attack on the Mediya defense zones in Southern Kurdistan, and it also seeks to occupy the entire area of Southern Kurdistan and penetrate Iraq with the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

ANHA's agency monitored the opinions of the displaced people of Afrin on this issue.

Mustafa Tari condemned the attacks of the Turkish state on the guerrilla, and said: "The goal of the Turkish attacks is to eliminate the guerrilla of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, and occupy the Kurdish regions, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party cooperates with the Turkish state following the approach of treason, as treason runs in its veins like blood, so all Kurdish parties must stand up to betrayal together; To protect and preserve the gains of the Kurdish people."

In the same context, Nabih Bakr said: "The attacks of the Turkish state on the guerrilla do not stop, but they will not be able to eliminate them with these attacks. We support our guerrilla, and the Turkish state will not stand in its war against them for long. We call on the people of Southern Kurdistan and all politicians, intellectuals and parties not to remain silent about the betrayal of the Kurdistan Democratic Party."

Hajar Hussein explained that the Turkish occupation state will not be able to defeat the guerrilla, and said: "Both the Turkish state and the Kurdistan Democratic Party are attacking the defense areas together, but the Turkish state will never be able to break the will of the guerrilla, and the betrayal will not make us retreat even one step, but on the contrary, we will always fight. I call on all the mothers of the martyrs in Southern Kurdistan to rise up against the betrayal."

Khalil Isso pointed out that the Turkish occupation state is trying to achieve its plans for neo-Ottomanism, and gradually occupy Mosul, Kirkuk and all areas of Southern Kurdistan.

He said: "The Barzani family and the Kurdistan Democratic Party By selling the popular struggle and resistance of the people of Southern Kurdistan to the Turkish state, I call on all the people of Kurdistan to wake up from their slumber and not to submit to the betrayal of the Barzani family, and I call on all Kurdish parties to take a stand against the betrayal. We will resist the occupation until the last drop of our blood and we will not back down from following the path of freedom.”

T/ Satt.