Raqqa people: freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is our freedom

The people of Raqqa canton confirmed that the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the freedom of all peoples and demanded the realization of his physical freedom.

Raqqa people: freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is our freedom
9 September 2024   03:10

The Turkish occupation state continues its arbitrary policy against Leader Abdullah Ocalan, and imposes a system of torture and genocide against him with the aim of breaking his will and the will of the peoples who believe in his thought and philosophy.

The people of Raqqa canton expressed their rejection of the system of torture and genocide. Citizen Ismail al-Ahmad said: "When we learned about the thought of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and his approach that calls for coexistence among all components and freedom for women and calls for democracy and standing against injustice, we came to know our rights and duties, so we call on everyone to stand together to achieve his physical freedom."

Citizen Fatima Mohammed said: "We demand the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan because he gave women great importance, especially with the slogan he called for "Women, Life, Freedom", and we must give this slogan its due to prove our existence and manage ourselves by ourselves and confront the male mentality and represent the participatory life in the best possible way."

Citizen Tasneem Mohammed said: "The physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan is important to us because it is the means to solve the intractable issues in the Middle East, especially in Syria, and the freedom of women who were oppressed in the past."

Tasneem Mohammed added: "The leader's thought has a great role in women's lives because they knew their rights and duties and participated in all military and political fields, so we demand the realization of his physical freedom, which is our freedom."
