Protest against reopening of Abu al-Zandin crossing

Dozens of people protested in the city of al-Bab and its countryside in front of the Abu al-Zandin crossing east of Aleppo, which connects areas controlled by the Damascus government with those occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, rejecting its reopening.

Protest against reopening of Abu al-Zandin crossing
28 June 2024   18:14

Local sources reported that dozens of residents from the city of al-Bab and its countryside, areas occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, gathered in front of the Abu al-Zandin crossing east of Aleppo, which links regions controlled by the Damascus government with those occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries, to express their opposition to its reopening.

The sources indicated that the protesters stormed the crossing and destroyed all the rooms inside as a sign of their discontent.

It was also confirmed that the first vehicles started crossing yesterday between the areas controlled by the Damascus government and those occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries through the Abu al-Zandin crossing in eastern Aleppo, which reopened yesterday.
