Political activists from Idlib: AA's initiative is the best option to save the Syrians

Syrian political activists from Idlib believe that there is not much time left for the Syrian parties in areas occupied by Turkey, before it commits another betrayal of the aspirations of the Syrian people. They stressed that the initiative of the Autonomous Administration to resolve the country's crisis is the best option to save the Syrians from the severe conflict.

Political activists from Idlib: AA's initiative is the best option to save the Syrians
14 July 2024   05:44

The Syrian regions occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries witnessed protests in response to the policies of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, that aim to prepare the ground for new deals with the Damascus government. This is evident from the statements of Turkish President Erdogan, according to what Syrian activists from occupied Idlib indicated. The occupation and its mercenaries met the protests with repression and arrests.

Member of the Idlib Council of the Future Syria Party, Ahmed Abdeen, said: “The recent protests in the occupied areas came against normalization between the Turkish occupation state and the Damascus government, as Turkey is trying to hand over the areas it illegally occupied to the Damascus government in exchange for its occupation of new areas, sacrificing millions of Syrians for its interests and agendas.”

Ahmed Abdeen commented: These recent movements have unveiled the truth to the Syrians, revealing that the mercenaries in those areas are pursuing Turkey's agendas at the expense of the Syrian people's sacrifices. This is evident from the fact that all mercenary factions agreed to hand over the areas they controlled to the Damascus government, against which the Syrian people revolted and thousands sacrificed their lives or were detained.

Abdeen pointed out that Turkey, in its efforts to reconcile with the Damascus government, aims to eliminate the Autonomous Administration. He emphasized, It is the only successful project in Syria and has the potential to resolve the Syrian crisis through Syrian-Syrian dialogue and cohesion, serving the best interests of the Syrian people.

 “Abdeen pointed out that the initiative of the Democratic Autonomous Administration to resolve the country’s crisis is capable of saving them from these endeavors, calling for speeding up the process of rallying around the initiative and adopting it, before it is too late. He said, “Rallying around the Autonomous Administration and adopting its vision is the only solution for the Syrian people to survive from the hammer of the occupation and the anvil of tyranny, and between the clutches of terrorism represented by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.”

On April 18, 2023, the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria launched an initiative to resolve the Syrian crisis, in order to reach a peaceful and democratic solution that ends the suffering of millions of Syrian people. It called on the Damascus government to take frim decision. It stressed the unity of Syrian territory, and that the problems that Syria is experiencing cannot be solved except within the framework of the country’s unity and its readiness to meet with the Damascus government and dialogue with it and with all Syrian parties.

A member of the Idlib Council in the Future Syria Party, Abdul Qadir Ibrahim Al-Hussein, confirmed that there is still an opportunity for Syrians in the areas occupied by Turkey to thwart those policies that are aimed at undermining their revolution.

“This may be the last opportunity for Syrians who desire freedom and democracy to achieve their goals, so all patriots must respond to the Autonomous Administration’s initiative as it is the only lifeboat,” he pointed out.

T/ Satt.