People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution

Thousands of people in Qamishlo affirmed that they resist in the attacks and hostile policies against their revolution, emphasizing the unity of the Syrian people to resolve the Syrian crisis.

 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
 People of Qamishlo  emphasize struggle to achieve goals of July 19 revolution
19 July 2024   23:17

A celebration was organized at the March 12 Stadium in the city of Qamishlo, on the occasion of the anniversary of the July 19 Revolution, attended by thousands of residents, members of civil institutions, political parties, women’s organizations and movements, and notables of the Arab and Kurdish tribes in the region.

Pictures of Commander Abdullah Ocalan, flags of the Autonomous Administration, and the celebration’s slogan, “In the spirit of the July 19 Revolution, we will defeat terrorism and  the occupation... We will build a democratic, decentralized Syria,” were hung in the stadium in Arabic, Syriac, and Kurdish.

The celebration began with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs of the July 19 Revolution and all the male and female martyrs of the Freedom Movement.

Then the Co-chairs of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Jazira Canton, Vivian Bahou and Talaat Younis, delivered two speeches. Bahou blessed the July 19 revolution and described it as “a revolution of people, components and women, who preferred struggle and adhered to their identity against all oppressive regimes.”

While Talaat Younis recalled all the male and female martyrs of the July 19 Revolution, and saluted their families, comrades in arms, the war-wounded.

 " The July 19 Revolution was based on the foundations of freedom, democracy, justice, and the brotherhood of people and components, including the Democratic Autonomous Administration as a result of the Democratic Nation" Younis said.

On behalf of the Autonomous Administration, Younis pledged to move forward towards achieving the goals of the revolution, calling on all the Syrian people and the democratic and national forces and parties to begin a Syrian-Syrian dialogue in order to achieve a democratic, decentralized Syria.

In turn, the Co-chair of the Martyrs' Families Council in Qamishlo, Obaid Atta, said that the unity of the people will guarantee the victory of the revolution and a free and dignified life, stressing the continuous struggle to achieve goals of the martyrs."

Reyhan Loqo, the spokeswoman for Kongra Star said that the people’s revolution and the “Women, Life, Freedom” revolution are stronger than ever before, as our revolution has become an inspiration for the people of the world.

While the member of relations in the Qamishlo Military Council, Kawa Kallo, confirmed, “The Syrian Democratic Forces and all security forces pledge to our people to escalate the struggle and resistance to liberate the occupied areas and achieve security and stability.
