Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces

After Operation Basala, launched by the Afrin Liberation Forces, the Turkish occupation army tried to rid its occupying members, but the HRE responded to these attempts by launching a second operation targeting their bases.

Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
Objectives of 2nd operation of Afrin Liberation Forces
8 February 2024   04:01

Since its occupation of the city of Afrin, the Turkish occupation army has established about 13 military bases on the ruins of people’s homes in the villages located along the frontlines in the villages of the Sherawa and Shara districts, south and southeast of the center of the occupied city of Afrin.

The military bases of the Turkish occupation are located in the villages of (Basufan - Kabashin - Kemar - Deir Meshmesh - Jabal Al-Ahlam - Basuta - Jalbara) in the Sherawa district, while in the villages of the Shara district they are located in (Anab - Maryamin - Kubla - Khalta - Maarski), in addition to Kaljibrin base adjacent to the village of Ain Digna.

In this regard, sources from within the Afrin Liberation Forces said that the main goal of launching the second operation was to respond to the missile launch centers targeting the displaced in the al-Shahba area and the villages of Sherawa and Shara, in addition to supporting the fighters participating in Operation Basala.

It confirmed that the number of Turkish occupation soldiers in the 13 deployed bases is estimated at about 450 soldiers, the highest percentage of whom are concentrated in the Kaljibrin and Kobla strategic bases for the occupation.

The bombing that was launched from the occupation's Kaljibrin base caused many massacres against the displaced residents of Afrin, most notably the Tal Rifaat massacre, which claimed the lives of 8 people, including children and civilians.

According to the same sources, these bases are equipped with the latest technologies and heavy and medium weapons (artillery - 120m and 160m heavy and medium mortar launchers - tanks - armored vehicles (Aqrabah) equipped with machine guns including Dushka and BKC - guided missiles - surveillance cameras - tracking devices).

The Afrin Liberation Forces had announced, in conjunction with the launch of Operation Basala, the launch of a second operation through which they targeted the occupation bases in the villages of Kemar, Anabkeh, Kaljibrin, Kobla, and Jalbara. The operations resulted in the killing of 6 Turkish occupation soldiers and mercenaries, wounding 8 others, and destroying a number of military equipment.

T/ Satt.