NPG congratulates Guerrilla on success of Douga Viyan operation

The Central Command of the People's Defense Center congratulated the Guerrilla fighters who participated in the revolutionary operation of Martyr Doga Viyan, and confirmed that they had dealt a crushing blow to the Turkish occupation army.

NPG congratulates Guerrilla on success of Douga Viyan operation
21 February 2024   18:22

Today, the Central Command of the People's Defense Center (NPG) issued a statement in which it congratulated the Guerrilla forces that participated in the revolutionary operation of the martyr Doga Viyan, which stated:

“At the beginning, we extend our greetings to all our comrades and female companions who participated in the revolutionary operation of Martyr Doga Viyan with great courage, with APO guerrilla spirit from the bottom of our hearts, and with revolutionary feelings, and we remember with all respect, appreciation and reverence all the martyrs in the person of  noble APO spirit, our trail comrade, Şervan Varto, who fought heroically in the revolutionary process and rose to the rank of the martyrdom.

Completely destroy the enemy base and capture it

On February 17 of this month, following the revolutionary operation against the Turkish occupation army base in the resistance square on Judy Hill in Zap, the entire enemy base was overthrown and captured. With creativity and professional practice, a crushing blow was dealt to the Turkish occupation army, and 37 occupation soldiers were killed from the enemy base, along with an officer with the rank of captain and lower-ranking officers, and dozens of weapons and military equipment were confiscated. In addition, all objects in the area were burned and destroyed. The enemy's base, and the revolutionary operation of the martyr Douga Vien entered our history of struggle as an important link to the successful Guerrilla campaign that was carried out in the recent period.”

Implementing a successful revolutionary operation of this kind on the anniversary of the international conspiracy was a matter of utmost importance and an appropriate response. Your revolutionary operation, the level of success and pace of which was very high, showed once again that APO freedom fighters can achieve victory wherever they go, and that no Anything can be an obstacle in their way.

We congratulate all the leaders and fighters who armed themselves with great sincerity with leader Ocalan and the APO line, and who carried out the revolutionary operation of the martyr Doga Viyan with the APO guerrilla spirit and with great intelligence, tactical prowess, planning, patience and skill. We believe from the bottom of our hearts that you will delve deeper into tactics and make yourselves more efficient. In creativity and you will achieve greater successes.

The private war media tried to hide the historic defeat

Although you carried out a qualitative and fruitful revolutionary operation and seized the enemy base, the fascist Turkish army and the fascist regime’s special war media tried to hide this historic defeat from everyone, and despite the fact that 37 people were killed in their ranks, they revealed only one dead person. They acted blindly, deaf and dumb as if nothing had happened, and this treatment of the occupation army and the fascist regime of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement indicates the extent of their weakness and distress, because they have reached a situation where their war policy and the concept of genocide have become in a state of stagnation, but they cannot admit it to themselves, or even announce it to public opinion.

Although the occupying Turkish state, the fascist regime, and its own war media are approaching and trying to hide the revolutionary process that you, dear comrades, documented with great effort, all the facts will be revealed.

Although the Turkish occupation state, the fascist regime, and its special war media act in this way and try to hide it, the revolutionary process that you, dear comrades and comrades, have documented with great effort, will shed light on all the facts, and then, everyone will understand better that a thousand lies are defeated by "one truth"
