During special symposium on International Mother Language Day

The dialogue symposium on International Mother Language Day discussed ways to preserve the language from extinction and protect it from obliteration, during which advice was provided to preserve the achievements made in the field of language in light of the revolution.

During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
During special symposium on International Mother Language Day
21 February 2024   17:34

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the University of Rojava, in cooperation with the Kurdish Language Foundation, organized a symposium on “Language Decay” and “Linguistic Policy and Plan.”

The dialogue symposium was held in the hall of Rojava University, located in the city of Qamishlo, in the presence of university teachers and students, a number of intellectuals, translators, writers, members of the Kurdish Language Foundation, the Democratic Islam Conference, and Sheikh Murshid al-Khaznawi.

During the symposium, Sheikh Murshid Al-Khaznawi gave a speech on this occasion, during which he pointed out the need to remind people of the importance of such a day, especially for a person who returned to his homeland after 18 years, and saw what he dreamed of come true there, and he said: “Speaking the mother tongue freely Here, it was achieved thanks to the sacrifices of the people of Rojava.”

He continued his speech by saying: “Unfortunately, the Kurdish language has been subjected to many attempts to exterminate and obliterate in order to eliminate the identity of the Kurdish people. In the face of this policy, the Kurdish language has been preserved through art and Kurdish jurists, and the efforts of Kurdish language teachers today are no less than a warrior’s jihad.”

The Kurdish writer, Saleh Haido, and the intellectual, Bashir Mulla Nawaf, recited Kurdish poems.

Then a member of the Kurdish Language Foundation, Sami Fattah, began the second axis, which was entitled “Linguistic Policy and Plan.” Sami Fattah pointed out that linguistic policy is a decision taken by the government or administration and that it is included in the constitutions. He pointed out that there are monolingual, bilingual and multilingual language policies. He continued his speech by saying: “The linguistic policy in NE, Syria is trilingual, and the Syrian regime is unilateral, and there are two main pillars of it, the first is education and the second is the linguistic plan.”

Sami Fattah pointed out the necessity of preserving the mother languages of societies and components, as they must be preserved from generation to generation in an organized manner.

The symposium concluded with this topic.
