“No one can distance us from our leader, we will continue to follow his philosophy”

The Council of Martyrs Families in the city of Girke Legê, denounced the Turkish authorities’ imposition of a new so-called “disciplinary punishment” that prevents leader Abdullah Ocalan from meeting with his lawyer and family for another 6 months, and stressed: “No one can distance us from our leader, and we will continue to follow his idea and philosophy.”

“No one can distance us from our leader, we will continue to follow his philosophy”
22 May 2024   12:25

Today, the Martyrs' Families Council in the city of Girke Legê, made a statement in front of its center located in the town of Rimelan, in which it denounced the Turkish authorities' imposition of a new "disciplinary punishment" that prevents leader Abdullah Ocalan from meeting with his lawyer and family for another 6 months.

In the presence of the families of the martyrs, members of the Martyrs’ Families Council, civil and service institutions, the District Council, Kongra Star, the Revolutionary Youth Movement, and the Young Women’s Union.

The statement was read by Aysha Suleiman, a member of the Martyrs’ Families Council, and said: “The Turkish authorities are still pursuing their dirty policies of denial, imposing isolation, and systematic deprivation of leader Abdullah Ocalan, amid shameful silence from the relevant humanitarian and human rights organizations.”

The Council noted in its statement that: “The decision to extend isolation on Leader Abdullah Ocalan means that the Turkish occupatipn state will continue its policies of genocide against peoples, amid violation of all international conventions that determine the standards for the treatment of political detainees.”

The Council affirmed that: “The goals of the Turkish occupation are clear with the continuation of this hostile approach, and we, in turn, affirm that these denial policies will not discourage us, and we will continue our struggle at a high pace until we achieve the physical freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan and defeat the plans of our enemies.”

At the conclusion of its statement, it pledged: "To continue our struggle and resistance with the thought and philosophy of Leader Ocalan, to confront all plans that attempt to end our existence, and we will not rest until we achieve the leader's physical freedom."