NE Syria region is fully ready to welcome its citizens living in Turkey

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region confirmed that the doors of the region are open to the citizens of the region who are in Turkey, and are subjected to persecution and racism by the Turkish occupation state, and stressed: "Its adherence to the humanitarian and political initiatives that it launched.

NE Syria region is fully ready to welcome its citizens living in Turkey
10 July 2024   13:12

Syrian refugees in Turkish territory are subjected to violations by racists, as the past days have witnessed clear violations against them, the destruction of their property, in addition to being subjected to murders and insults directly."

Today, the co-chair of the Displaced, Refugees and Afflicted department in the Social Affairs and Toilers Commission of the Democratic AANES Region, Sheikhmus Ahmed, said: "Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the Turkish occupation state has used all ways and means to exploit the Syrian refugee card, by blackmailing European countries and exploiting the UNHCR financially."

Ahmed stressed that the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria region adheres to the humanitarian and political initiatives it has launched. "The North and East Syria region is open to the region's citizens in Turkey who are subjected to the worst forms of persecution and racism by the Turkish government."

Sheikhmus Ahmed appealed to the people of North and East Syria who are in Turkey to return to their homeland, and that the Autonomous Administration calls on UNHCR and United Nations agents to support the Autonomous Administration in this aspect, especially in light of the violations against Syrian refugees in Turkey before the eyes of the international community.

Sheikhmus Ahmed stressed: "The international community must react to the violations and encroachments carried out by the Turkish occupation state on the property of Syrian refugees, so the Autonomous Administration will provide a helping hand to all its people in the diaspora to return to their areas."
