Hunger strike by 55 Iranian political detainees to support activist

55 female political detainees in Evin Prison in Iran have announced a hunger strike to protest the death sentence issued against activist Sharifa Mohammadi.

Hunger strike by 55 Iranian political detainees to support activist
10 July 2024   12:56

The female political detainees in the infamous Evin Prison, located northwest of Tehran, are protesting the death sentence issued against activist Sharifa Mohammadi, who is imprisoned in Lakan Prison in Rasht. They have announced the start of their hunger strike in support of her.

Sharifa Mohammadi was arrested on December 5, 2023, by Iranian intelligence in the city of Rasht, northern Iran. She was charged with "rebellion and affiliation with the Komala group," a labor party opposed to the Iranian authorities.

According to the Coordinating Council of Teachers' Syndicates, Sharifa Mohammadi was subjected to torture and beating by investigators to force her to confess. On the morning of Thursday, July 4, the campaign to defend Sharifa Mohammadi announced her death sentence.

The campaign to protect political and civil detainees has also previously called for the annulment of the sentence and the immediate and unconditional release of the activist.
