Journalist Suleiman awaits his trial today after 279 days of detention

Today marks the beginning of the trial for journalist Suleiman Ahmad, who has been detained by the Democratic Party of Kurdistan (KDP) authorities for 279 days.

Journalist Suleiman awaits his trial today after 279 days of detention
29 July 2024   09:29

The trial for Roj News editor Suleiman Ahmad, previously postponed from June 30 to July 29 (today), will commence today.

Suleiman Ahmad was abducted by KDP forces at the Fish Khabur crossing on October 25, 2023, while returning to S. Kurdistan after traveling on October 1 to the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood in Aleppo to visit his family.

His lawyers were able to meet him for the first time after 211 days of his abduction, which is considered a violation of S. Kurdistan and Iraqi laws, according to Article /123/ No. /23/ amended from the 1971 Criminal Procedure Law, which states that a detainee should be allowed to meet with their lawyer within 24 hours.

The Duhok court is expected to review the case proceedings and provide the necessary legal defenses, amid extensive media and human rights attention regarding this case, which has sparked significant controversy over human rights and justice in S. Kurdistan.