March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom

The Popular Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan's Afrin-Shahba Branch organized a march demanding the physical freedom of the leader Abdullah Ocalan. Hundreds of displaced people from Afrin and residents of Shahba participated.

March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
March demands Leader Abdullah Ocalan physical freedom
14 June 2024   22:24

The Popular Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Ocalan's Afrin-Shahba Branch organized a massive march with the participation of hundreds of displaced people from Afrin and residents of Shahba.

Displaced Afrin residents and Shahba locals gathered at the Infantry School in Favin, carrying pictures of the leader Abdullah Ocalan. The participants then marched towards the Martyr Jakdar School in Favin, where a member of the initiative, Hanan Sido, delivered a speech, saying: "Before the emergence of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the introduction of Leader Apo's philosophy, the Kurdish people faced genocide. Before embracing Leader Apo's philosophy, the Kurdish people were ashamed of their identity. However, thanks to Leader Apo's philosophy and the founding of the PKK, the Kurdish people gained an identity and were saved from genocide."

Wardi Sheikho, member of the Star Congress for Afrin and Shahba, also spoke, stating: "The Turkish government has imposed strict isolation on Leader Apo to prevent the spread of his philosophy in society. However, Leader Apo's philosophy has spread throughout the Middle East. His philosophy has become a reality of life, achieved through democratic nationhood. We must intensify our struggle to achieve the physical freedom of Leader Apo."

The march concluded with chants of "No life without the leader.”