Al-Swaydaa activist affirms: “no return to domination of Ba'ath Party, its security forces”

Political activist Maher Abu Latif from Al-Swaydaa asserts that after 300 days of continuous popular movement, the momentum has reached every household and family. He emphasizes that it is becoming a political and social norm and a revolutionary tradition. Abu Latif warns of the Damascus government's efforts to undermine the movement and incite discord, and insists there will be no return to the abuses of the Ba'ath Party and its security forces.

Al-Swaydaa activist affirms: “no return to domination of Ba'ath Party, its security forces”
15 June 2024   06:40
News Center
Yahya Al-Habib

Over 300 days have passed since the beginning of the popular movement in Al-Swaydaa, which continues to this day. On June 11, activists organized protest activities in Karama Square and the city of Shahba, reaffirming the public's commitment to their demands for freedom and political change in the country.

 No return to the Ba'ath Party's interference in every aspect of life

Maher Abu Latif commented on this by saying, "The popular movement has reached every household and family, every organization, and even the corridors of the United Nations and major world powers. The movement has reached a point of no return. There is no going back to the lie of protecting minorities, to the overreach of the security forces, and to the Ba'ath Party's interference in every aspect of life.”

Regarding the achievements of this movement, Abu Latif stated, "As a movement, we have worked and succeeded significantly in institutionalizing the revolutionary effort. More than 12 professional and syndical groups have emerged, working with good organization, a clear political vision, and an internal system as a document of honor and commitment. We are currently working on forming a political body that unites all national components and maintaining communication with our people in various Syrian regions."

 Damascus incites for sabotage and discord

The announcement of forming a military council in Al-Swaydaa has raised questions about the purpose of this step. Previously, it was announced the formation of the “Military Forces Council in Al-Swaydaa” to unify local armed factions. Representatives claimed it was endorsed by the spiritual leader of the Druze in Al-Swaydaa, Sheikh Hikmat al-Hijri, who allegedly ordered its formation personally.

Commenting on the news about the potential formation of a military council in Al-Swaydaa, Abu Latif confirmed he had no information about it but added, "There are efforts from the Damascus government towards forming a local military force from family members. These individuals represent themselves and have their own agenda in loyalty and mercenary behavior, which is certainly a divisive and destructive act."

 A turning point in the Syrian crisis

 Maher Abu Latif discussed the trajectory of the movement in Al-Swaydaa, saying, "The movement is on its way to becoming a political and social norm, a revolutionary tradition. Its primary message is peace, with the slogan 'Religion is for God and the nation is for all, and the Syrian people are united.'"

He stated that: "The movement in Al-Swaydaa has become a pivotal moment and a turning point, akin to a relay race. It faced a challenging phase, where it stood out significantly and received only modest support from Syrian brethren. This left it vulnerable to retaliation from the security forces, alongside economic and humanitarian blockades. It has become akin to a flower in a desert that will not bloom, yet it has sparked renewed life and hope within the revolution, after being declared clinically dead."
