Raqqa residents urge Damascus to engage in dialogue with autonomous administration

The residents of al-Raqqa canton have asserted that any agreement with the Turkish occupation state would be detrimental to the interests of Syrians and would solidify the conspiracy against the unity of the Syrian people. They have called on the Damascus government to cooperate with the Autonomous Administration to liberate the cities occupied by Turkey.

Raqqa residents urge Damascus to engage in dialogue with autonomous administration
31 July 2024   04:44

The Turkish occupation state has been attempting to arrange meetings with the Damascus government. However, the latter's statements suggest that such meetings are challenging and require certain conditions, namely the withdrawal of the Turkish occupation army from Syrian territory and an end to their support for mercenaries. Notably, a number of parties close to the Damascus government have expressed support for the autonomous administration's initiative.

The Autonomous Administration consistently declares its willingness to engage in dialogue with all Syrian parties, aiming to achieve a comprehensive political solution through Syrian-Syrian dialogue.

The residents of Raqqa canton have emphasized the need to resolve the Syrian crisis within the framework of Syrian-Syrian dialogue, free from any external agendas. They have also urged the Damascus government to consider the solution initiatives proposed by the Autonomous Administration.

Ali al-Sheikhan, a resident of Raqqa, stated: The Turkish government's negative role since the beginning of the revolution is no secret. They have relied on extremist forces to expand their influence and have exploited the needs of the people.

Al-Sheikhan emphasized: the Damascus government should not accept normalization with Turkey. Instead, they should cooperate with the Autonomous Administration to reclaim the cities occupied by Turkey, including Afrin, Tal Abyad, Ras al-Ain, Idlib, and Azaz.

Al-Sheikhan continued: Any agreement with the Turkish state is against the interests of Syrians and constitutes a validation of the conspiracy against the unity of the Syrian people. The Damascus government must work with the autonomous administration to counter these conspiracies.

Fatima al-Youssef, another resident of Raqqa, expressed her view: the solution to the Syrian crisis rests in the hands of the Syrian people, not in the hands of occupying countries. We Syrians do not accept any external interference in resolving our crisis.

Al-Youssef highlighted the importance of the initiatives and statements made by the Syrian Democratic Forces and the autonomous administration, which seek a solution and not the consolidation of the occupation. She called on all Syrians, including the Damascus government, to embrace the autonomous administration project as a means to resolve the Syrian crisis and end the Turkish occupation.

Ahmed al-Nahar, also a resident of Raqqa, stated: We are one Syrian people, and we must resolve our crisis through our own efforts. The Damascus government must heed the initiatives of the autonomous administration, free from external dictates.

Al-Nahar emphasized: we do not accept any solution to the Syrian crisis that involves external parties, particularly the Turkish occupation state, which seeks to annex Syrian territories and act against the interests of Syrians.

T/ Satt.