Guerrilla fighters represent the true face of resistance against injustice

The people of Jil Agha have praised the resistance of the guerrilla fighters against the Turkish occupation attacks. They decry the treason of the KDP, saying that the guerrilla fighters are the true face of resistance against injustice in the Middle East.

Guerrilla fighters represent the true face of resistance against injustice
31 July 2024   03:01

The Turkish military continues its attacks on regions of Southern Kurdistan, aiming to expand its occupied territory. This occurs amidst the silence of the Baghdad government and the support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, while fighters of the People's Defense Forces (Guerilla) continue to resist the attacks.

The people of Jil Agha city in Jazira canton expressed their support for the guerrilla resistance and denounced the subordination of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Basil Hassan, a citizen of Jil Agha city, expressed his gratitude for the guerrilla resistance, saying: Today, we live in freedom and dignity on our land thanks to the sacrifices that the guerrilla have made and continue to make for the people. They are the only ones who struggle to preserve the dignity of the peoples and protect them from the practices of the dominant and imperialist regimes that see the unity of the people as a nightmare for their ambitions and interests.

Basil Hassan stated: We, the people of Jal Agha, reaffirm our support for the guerrilla fighters in confronting the barbaric attacks launched by the Turkish occupation and its agents on Southern Kurdistan and the Mediya defense zones. We categorically reject these illegitimate attacks, which aim to occupy and destroy our existence. 

Hassan condemned: The position of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which acts as a tool in the hands of Turkey to achieve its goals, is a betrayal of its own people and other peoples who resist and sacrifice to preserve their existence.

Citizen Talal Ali also denounced the attacks of the Turkish occupation, stating: Their practices aim to exterminate and deny the existence of the Kurdish cause and other people. He added, their actions are illegal. We are the owners of this land and we have the right, like all peoples, to live with dignity on our own land. The guerrillas are preserving and protecting our rights and dignity from the attacks and plots being hatched against us with the aim of our extermination.

Guerrilla are a stronghold against enemy attacks, Ali explained. The guerrilla fighters are our sons, and without them, the enemies would have achieved their goal of ending our existence. For us, as oppressed peoples, the guerrillas are a stronghold against enemy attacks. They are the real protectors of us, our history, and our culture in the Middle East, and not just in Kurdistan.

Ali also denounced the subordination of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which opened the way for the Turkish occupation to penetrate southern Kurdistan and the Mediya defense zones. He said, What they are doing serves the enemies, and this is shameful for a political party and a family that considers itself to be Kurdish nationalists. To turn into a tool in the hands of Turkey and a means to eliminate the Kurdish issue and the real protectors of this issue is an appalling betrayal.

Talal pledged to stand against all attempts aimed at ending the guerrillas, stressing his support for their historic resistance against injustice and tyranny.

Citizen Suham Hussein praised the guerrilla fighters' resistance and the heroic epics they are writing on the slopes of the free mountains. He said, the guerrilla fighters are the true face of resistance and struggle against injustice and tyranny in the Middle East, facing the capitalist and imperialist forces that are trying to exterminate people.

T/ Satt.