K.Star slams Turkish authorities’s handling of wildfires

Kongra Star praised the solidarity of the N. Kurdistan people in extinguishing the fires, and denounced the racism of Turkish state’s handling of wildfires in N.Kurdistan.

K.Star slams Turkish authorities’s handling of wildfires
22 June 2024   12:50

The fires that broke out on June 20 and 21 caused the loss of 13 people of their lives and serious damage to the property and lands of the people. The Turkish authorities did not intervene to put out the fires until late hours.

Kongra Star in the city of Aleppo today issued a statement, which was read in Arabic and Kurdish by the two members of the Kongra Star, Nisreen Rajab and Shilan Khalil, in front of the conference center in the Sheikh Maqsoud neighborhood.

The statement slammed the disgraceful policies of the Turkish occupation state in its dual dealings with the Kurdish regions, in terms of service or response in emergency situations.

It said: " The policies of the occupying state are based on exclusion and the national dimension, as two days ago it repeated the scenario of indifference to the lives of the Kurds, as happened during the earthquake that struck the region last year, in a crime (racial discrimination) under which the Turkish occupation state violates the Charter The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of the United Nations.

The statement stressed that: “The ideal solution to secure the future of the Kurdish people in all parts of Kurdistan, especially Bakur Kurdistan, is to implement the democratic nation project.

The statement appealed to humanitarian organizations to provide assistance for those affected by this tragedy.
