Kovan, Yazidi woman manages to communicate with her family

The young Yazidi woman who was kidnapped by ISIS mercenaries was able to communicate with her family in Şengal by phone after 9 years.

Kovan, Yazidi woman manages to communicate with her family
Kovan, Yazidi woman manages to communicate with her family
Kovan, Yazidi woman manages to communicate with her family
Kovan, Yazidi woman manages to communicate with her family
5 February 2024   21:12

During the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation yesterday, Sunday (February 4), the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) rescued the young Yazidi woman, Kovan Eido Khorto (24 years old), in al-Hol Camp.

On January 27, the Internal Security Forces, with the support of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Women's Protection Units (YPJ), launched the "Humanitarian and Security" operation to pursue ISIS mercenary cells and dry up hotbeds of extremism in al-Hol Camp, which contains thousands of ISIS mercenary families.

The Women’s Protection Units, in coordination with the Şengal Protection Units, secured a phone call for the young woman, Kovan Eido, with her family in Şengal, so that she could communicate with them after a separation of 9 years, according to what was published by the Units’ media center, and the news was accompanied by pictures of Kovan calling them.
