Leader Ocalan's Freedom is essential for all humanity

The components of the city of Çil Agha and Tal Hamis in Jazira Canton condemned the isolation imposed on leader Abdullah Ocalan and stressed that his freedom is their basic demand.

Leader Ocalan's Freedom is essential for all humanity
29 July 2024   03:00

 The Kurds and the people of the region live in a state of anxiety about the leader condition over the lack of any information about leader Abdullah Ocalan for 36 months.

In this context, the people of the city of Çil Agha expressed their stance regarding situation of leader Ocalan in Imrali Island.

 "Although the difficult conditions in Imrali leader Abdullah Ocalan has made it a center for science and philosophy for generations" the citizen Abdul Sattar Khedir  said.

He added: "Because leader Ocalan is the only one who calls for equality, and social justice. Therefore, the person who delves into his ideology becomes an effective personality capable of organizing himself and his society."

Khedir concluded his speech by saying," Tthey will not be able to keep us away from our leader, we will follow his approach."

The citizen Benkin Abdo said: "In order to achieve the leader's physical freedom, we should follow  his thought and philosophy, so on this basis we must struggle for leader Ocalan's freedom."

Abdo added, "Leader Ocalan, despite the most difficult circumstances, resists and struggles for us. Our role as people who follow his approach is to work seriously, then we can say that we are able to achieve his physical freedom.”

Sanaa Younis slammed “the absolute isolation on leader Ocalan.

“Any politician has the right to meet with his lawyer and relatives, but what they are doing against the leader is a crime against humanity and a political crime against international laws and norms that call for human rights. The concerned parties should pay attention to the issue of the leader and allow his family and lawyer to meet with him" Sanaa Younis said.

Al- Younis added, "we are aware of the goals of the enemies against our leader, they won't keep us away from our leader. We will continue on his path and achieve his freedom."

The citizen Hamadi Al-Huwaian, from the people of the city of Tal Hamis said: "All the rallies for leader are a simple response to his sacrifices for NE Syria people."

While the citizen Faiza Al-Jassem expressed her gratitude and thanks to Leader Abdullah Ocalan for women empowerment in all civil and military fields and taking their role in a pioneering manner.

" We must hold rallies in Tal Hamis and its countryside for ending the isolation and achieving the leader physical freedom" Faiza Al-Jassem added.
