Father kills infant under influence of drugs in Turkish-occupied town

A father, under the influence of drugs, killed his 8-month-old baby in the occupied town of Ihtimalat, in the countryside of Azaz city.

Father kills infant under influence of drugs in Turkish-occupied town
28 July 2024   22:24

An 8-month-old infant was killed by their father in the town of Ihtimilat, located in the Azaz countryside of Aleppo, which is occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries. 

 Media outlets report that the father committed this act while under the influence of drugs.

 Drug use is widespread in areas controlled by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries. This trade is a significant source of income for mercenary leaders, who recruit individuals to promote and sell drugs.

 A June report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights revealed that several Turkish occupation mercenary leaders are involved in the drug trade, including hashish and other substances. These leaders have begun to use drugs as a form of payment to their mercenaries instead of salaries. The report also estimates that nine thousand dunams of land in the village of Rasho Atiya in the occupied countryside of Ras al-Ain are dedicated to hashish cultivation. Drugs are also sold openly in shops and parks within the occupied areas.

 T/ Satt.