SDF dismantles ISIS terrorist Cell in Raqqa

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) eliminated an ISIS mercenary and dismantled a cell in the countryside of Raqqa.

SDF dismantles ISIS terrorist Cell in Raqqa
28 July 2024   21:57

SDF's Media Center stated," Our SDF’s Anti-Terrorism Units YAT conducted a security operation with the participation and support of the international coalition forces. The operation targeted an ISIS terrorist cell consisting of two terrorists in the al-Karamah, east of Raqqa City.

Supported by Coalition aerial surveillance, our YAT forces raided the hideout of the terrorist cell. One of the terrorists, Abu al-Harith, refused to answer the call for safe surrender and opened fire on our forces who dealt with the situation professionally and eliminated him. The other terrorist, Saad Salim al-Hamdan, was captured after our forces besieged him.

During the operation, our forces seized the following:

- Smartphones /8/

- Personal documents

- Cell phones /3/

- Glock Pistol /1/

- Wi-Fi router /1/
