Ikuko Katsumata: Mr. Ocalan represents the key to the future

Japanese journalist Ikuko Katsumata, who conducted a press interview with Leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1991, said: “Mr. Ocalan is a good thinker, and his ideas will never be wasted. He is the key to the future.”

Ikuko Katsumata: Mr. Ocalan represents the key to the future
9 November 2023   00:03

The “Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, the political solution to the Kurdish issue” campaign was announced in Strasbourg on October 10, then launched in 74 centers around the world and reached 100 centers, with hundreds of academics, intellectuals, writers, politicians, thinkers, journalists, unions and civil organizations from all over the world participating.

Japanese journalist Ikuko Katsumata, one of the participants in the campaign, spoke to ANHA agency about it.

kuko Katsumata, who had interviewed leader Abdullah Ocalan in 1991, commented on his interview and said: “Mr. Ocalan said that the collapse of socialism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union was not due to the failure of socialism, but rather because socialism was not applied properly, so he will follow ‘The right thing,’ Mr. Ocalan said, adding that he would direct his attention from the armed struggle to the political struggle.

 “I was one of those who thought that Ocalan and his movement would retreat, but I was wrong.”

Ikuko Katsumata continued his speech: “The Turkish state arrested Mr. Ocalan about 25 years ago, and sentenced him to death. The sentence was changed to life due to the abolition of the death penalty in Turkey. I remember that I was trying at that time to get news from Turkey and Europe without the Internet, despite the massive protest activities.” All over the world, against the arrest and trial of Mr. Ocalan, many said that Ocalan and his movement would decline with time, and I admit that I was one of them, but I was also wrong.”

"His ideas will never be lost."

Ikuko Katsumata pointed out that the ideas of Leader Abdullah Ocalan have grown and flourished among all peoples with the hope of peace and freedom, and continued his speech: “Mr. Ocalan’s ideas that came out of the prison cell on Imrali Island will never be lost.”

"Coexistence Thinker"

Journalist Ikuko Katsumata explained that Leader Abdullah Ocalan is the symbol of peace: “Mr. Ocalan is an important thinker, he is a thinker of coexistence, so I call all leaders in Turkey and say to them: If you want peace for the people, you do not need weapons and threats, you can open the door of a prison cell.” Prison, I believe that Mr. Ocalan is the key to the future.”

Journalist Ikuko Katsumata was born in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, and lived in Bahrain, Vienna, and London for several years, and now lives in the Japanese city of Kyoto. In 1991, he conducted a press interview with the leader Abdullah Ocalan and wrote a book entitled “The Kurds, the Contemporary Model for Those Who Have No State.”

T/ Satt.