"Hay'at", "Turkestani" mercenaries attack Damascus forces in Latakia countryside

Air and ground attacks between Damascus forces and mercenaries in northwestern resulted in deaths and injuries.

"Hay'at", "Turkestani" mercenaries attack Damascus forces in Latakia countryside
11 March 2024   21:36

Mercenaries affiliated with Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham and "Al-Turkestani" attacked positions of Damascus forces in Al-Tuffafiyah in the Latakia countryside, coinciding with mutual bombardment of control positions.

Damascus forces bombed with mortar shells the village of Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo, wounding 3 people with varying injuries.

A suicide drone attacked a site in Khirbet al-Naqus in the western Hama countryside, and two drones attacked mercenary sites in Kansafra in the Idlib countryside.

A person was killed as a result of being targeted by a suicide drone belonging to the Damascus forces, as he was riding an agricultural tractor in the village of Kafr Nouran in the western countryside of Aleppo.

T/ Satt.